dissabte, de març 17, 2012

Nino Schurter Wins on 650b (27.5er)

Nino Schurter wins the UCI World Cup Mountain Bike Men's xc in Pietermaritzburg. Interesting to hear that Nino was riding a 650b wheel. (27.5er)

The Rock Garden above makes this PMB track fairly technical!

Smooth riding all day meant Schurter took the win comfortably.

The course even had a few nice drops.

2 comentaris:

  1. 650b, sense cap dubte, una gran opció. Manquen propostes però.

    69er, sense cap dubte una molt bona alternativa. No hi ha però opcions, vull dir suficients.

    29er, un nou camí. A on anirà qui ho sap?

    26", la reina entre les reines, és la que d'un temps cap a aquí tothom vol que no sigui. Serà?

    Però 650b per a mi, amb Pacenti un somni, mtb, mtb, mtb.

  2. There is no overall perfect option. There may be a perfect option for an individual rider. To find the perfect option an individual must sample all options. Then you have the different terrain to add to the equation. It would be nice to have all the options to use. What works for me may not work for you.

    I want to try them all! I have no alliance, I love ALL MTB!
