dilluns, de març 12, 2012

Error o encert?

"Do you have a Jones ti. Spaceframe & Truss fork you never got along with? Looking for an equally beautiful ti. softtail? I have a medium (19.5"/23.5" vtt) Moots Mooto-X YBB 29er, Fox F-29 fork & King headset that I'm looking to trade (possibly with some cash from my end) for a Jones Spaceframe. My Moots & Fox Fork have less than 100 miles on them and are perfect; my lust for a Jones just can't be sated. I also have a set of Mavic Cr29ssmax wheels on it that we might be able to work some trading on too. If you're interested e-mail. Thanks!" 


Curiós, perquè aquesta proposta i no té res a veure va lligada a un comentari que he sentit avui, una Jeff Jones la tinc al cap.  


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