divendres, de desembre 16, 2011

Trouble on the trails!!!

Today we went for a final spin before christmas. All was going well in the morning with some nice trails. Then around mid day I was on a trail and got a branch stuck in my chain that ripped the mech hanger off the bike and broke a spoke.As we were on a DH section I took the mech and chain off and free wheeled the DH section to the bottom of the trail.

Ater the DH I decided to Single Speed the bike to get around the other trails. I shortened the chain and hooked up a power link to close the chain. There was enough tension to keep the chain on fixing it by hand.
The chain stayed on and the quick fix got me around another trail and back to the car.

Marcal your dream has come true! {Michael on a Single Speed}
Trek Remedy 8 SINGLE SPEED!!!!

2 comentaris:

  1. Puc donar fe, tu ets un biker SSWC.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Michael, gràcies per les imatges, de 10/10.

    Un punt el tema dels guants d'urgències, mtb, mtb, mtb.
