dimecres, de desembre 21, 2011

Ned Overend...II

I was reading the previous post, and I can't stop laughing internally...Ned Overend post, and I have a Ned Overend info in one of the last magazines I've been reading...so there I go.

This one is a traslation of the Issue#1 of the SWITCHBACK_fuel for the trail_ magazine, dated December 2011

And on the interior pages, a short but amazing reference to the Legend

" Sitting quietly in a coffee shop in Monterrey, California, one would not recognize Ned Overend as the fierce competitor that captured the first UCI world mountain bike title, numerous World Cups, two XTERRA world titles, and, at age 54 scored an overall victory in the Iron Horse road race earlier this year, a top-15 finish at the national championships. Overend is strikingly thin, with grey hair and a quick smile. Looking at his iPhone through a pair of reading glasses, he gives the impression of a businessman checking the market, rather that one of the best professional riders in the world.

Overend speaks in a pleasant but matter-of-the-fact tone, as tales of his race exploits are told with humility and their grandeur softened by his own unique perspective. Races are recounted away from the course in a retrospective manner, while Overend recognizes the emotions and meaning of his career ahead of any of the medals or perceived glory he's received. When he speaks of other riders cheating there is no bitterness, no regret. His racing career is in the record books, in black and white and no revisionist history needs to be spun. It is only when Overend speaks of the present, his current race schedule and his role in product development projects, that one catches glimpses of the drive and determination that defines him as a champion."

I don't have the full interview do, but I wanted to share with you this moment, on Philip Bopth words, and John Segesta & Jim Safford pictures.

From SC, Xavi Paricio

2 comentaris:

  1. Quina més bona sensació, aquesta seqüència d'aportacions.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Uf, que guapa aquesta aportació ))
