divendres, de desembre 16, 2011

Intense Tazer.

El mateix que la Blur 4x, o la Yeti de la mateixa disciplina, aquesta és una de les candidates.

Jo no sé si és USA o no, caldria cercar més informació. Fa uns mesos, inclús anys,  a una entrevista que vaig llegir d'en Jeff Steber boss d'Intense, esmentava que aquest model, crec recordar que no es fabricaria  a USA, però no n'estic segur.

"All from a garage in Lake Elsinore, California in 1991. Intense Cycles was founded on a dream with not much more than pennies in a pocket and a passion for a sport that was undeniable. Now just a short sixteen years later Intense Cycles has carefully grown to global proportions without losing its hand made quality.
Every frame is hand made with the same quality and consideration a mother would bestow on her newborn child. Every bead of each weld is carefully placed as if everything else depended on it. If nothing else, our passion for the bikes we build is infused with every frame that leaves its home here in Temecula, California."

Sembla que no, per tant són USA.


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