dilluns, de novembre 14, 2011

AE Line 7 Stanes Scotland

The 7 Stanes are mountain bike trail centres in Scotland. (Stane is Scottish for Stone) Each trail centre has a differnt Stone. This weekend we took the trip over to AE forest. The Stane here is called the Talking head Stane Pictured below.I had to cycle to get the ferry at 5am. All my riding gear and spare clothes front and back.Bike lights for the second part of the trip. Night ride as it starts to get dark at 4pm.
The new super ferry Between Belfast (Ireland) and Cairnryan (Scotland)
The AE Line red trail is a Enduro type trail. XC but with a lot of Technical features. We done the Trail during the day then half of it at night. A great day/Night on the bikesAndy doing the step up.
The Canyon Nerve AM 8.0Video of the Day's Riding

360 degree Panoramic Photo of the trail.

5 comentaris:

  1. Que bé, que bé, que bé, Michael, mtb, mtb, mtb.

    Una d'elles candidata a foto del mes?

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Great vídeo Michael, nice day, mtb, mtb, mtb.

  2. Michael, thanks, The 7 Stanes....and now I know is the Scottish word for stones...are one of the magical trails you'll ever want to ride. I wish I had this close to my home !!!!

  3. Gracies Marçal

    Xavi Scotland is an Amazing place for Mountain biking. I would like to have this type of thing beside me so I dont have to waste a lot of the day traveling by ferry. Things are slowly changing in Ireland and Trails are starting to emerge more which is great. There is a big project starting near my home town. I will be following this from consultation to build and keeping you all up to date. Lets hope it happens.

  4. Michael quina aventura...
    Les imatges de sana enveja!
    Encara fa unes poques hores parlava amb la Marga que en Marçal i jo tornaríem a pedalar a Ballyhoura, els corriols de la SSWC 2011 no ens deixen parar de somniar-hi, ella insistia que hem de pedalar també per Scotland. Després de veure una vegada i una altra les imatges, tant les d'aquest cap de setmana com les de les altres ocasions que hi has pedalat, penso el mateix, sí tornarem a Ballyhoura, però no deixarem de visitar Scotland!

  5. I dont like to say it but yes Scotland is better than Ireland for trail centre type trails. This is changing with more and more plans being passed for trails in Ireland and hopefully some day soon we will have trail centres that are as good if not better than Scotland.

    You all will love Scotland trails. One day we will all ride them together. (Summer Time. I dont think you would like the winter)
