dijous, d’octubre 27, 2011

The Raid 24hour Adventure race. Coming Soon

This weekend I will be racing The Raid 24hour Adventure Race.

The location is the Sperrin Mountains. This is were I grew up so I am looking forward to racing a location my outdoor lifestyle started. We will be racing non stop for the 24 hours in a team of 4. I will bring the GoPro so hopefully have some footage to show you.

Here is a promotional video of the location.

2 comentaris:

  1. Impacient després de llegir-te.

    Bona aventura Michael, go, go, go.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Moltes ganes de que aquesta aventura, aquest cop sota el paraigües del Team, sigui això, una magnífica aventura.

    Esperant notícies.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
