dimarts, de setembre 27, 2011

Moots MX Divide 2012

Hi Genets,

Some times the long nights gave me the time to dig and surf on the web, I found that video from the new Moots bike, I know some days ago we already posted a picture, but I really think this 4" platform (100mm) it's the perfect one for the kind of bikers we are...maybe Michael need more, not the rest of us.

Interbke 2011:MOOTS MX Divide from ChainRing Films on Vimeo.

From SC, Xavi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. No han "escatimat" amb el titani, sí però, amb els guia cables del canvi, amb brides? deu ser un PROTO, segur.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Novetats a Moots, direcció cap a on?
