dimecres, d’agost 03, 2011

Bike transformations

We all love our bikes but from time to time we try new things, upgrade old parts or replace worn parts. We discussed bikes we ride while in scotland and what style of riding we do. Some people want new bikes. I want my bike working like new. I love the Trek and Scotland showed me I dont need a bigger bike. If anything I need a 29er ;-)

The skewer on my bike was damaged in transport. New part added tonight.I have recently been converted to Tubeless. Why has it taken me so long to change???? In Catalunya everyone seems to ride Tubeless. In Ireland and the uk there isnt as many people riding tubeless. After a failed first attempt my second attempt has been successful.
Bontrager Tubeless ready! No they arent. The rim needs an additional rim strip. When I installed the proper rim strip the tyres inflated onto the bead first time.

Trek nor the Dealer would take responsibilty for the wrong sized berings in the rocker. Finally the Dealer has paid for the berings. Not a good service from Trek Ireland. Why is Trek USA so much better than Trek UK and Ireland?

1 comentari:

  1. No sé qui dóna un bon servei de Trek a Irlanda, però el fet és cada dia que passa saps més detalls del manteniment de la teva bike, gràcies Narcís, i això et permet cada dia ser una mica més autònom pel que fa a dependre del representant de Trek.

    Les millores Michael com les que fas, que són de manteniment són necessàries, i tant, evita però cap canvi important, tot i que pugui ser una millora, manteniment sí canvis de darrera hora mai. Els canvis si han de ser, que siguin per després de la cursa.

    Quina emoció, mtb, mtb, mtb.
