divendres, de juliol 22, 2011

Fort William DH Scotland

Myself and some friends took a trip to scotland for some trail ridding. The hightlight of the trip was the visit to Fortwilliam DH trail on the Nevis Mountain range. This is a GO Pro helmet cam run of the World Cup DH trail. I took it slow and steady for this run. The video really doesnt show how rough and steep it was. 2 Days later my arms are still sore from the constant movement of the bike. I would love to try it again on a full DH Bike and really go for it. If I was going to do it again I would start at Fortwilliam rather than have been biking for 6 days before. Tired arms and legs on the most demanding trail of the world cup circuit showed in the mistakes I made on this run.

BICI OCI On Tour!!!
Look at the number Plate on the car!

1 comentari:

  1. Sensacional baixada.

    Què emocionant, una caiguda anecdòtica a Fort William és en segell que queda, una baixada com aquesta és senzillament mítica.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    La capçalera del vídeo en blanc i negre de 10/10.
