diumenge, d’abril 03, 2011


"A friend brought up a good point. Having a custom one-off bike built to one's specs is a lot like having a mule or prototype built. If you were planning to do destructive riding on a bike like this, it is kind of silly. There are plenty of mass produced bikes that suit that application just fine. The same would go for the weight on a bike like this. If I wanted something lighter, I'd get a sub 3lb. carbon frame.

I didn't want that, or I would have gotten one. I wanted a really cool looking mountain cruiser that would be a blast to ride, a one of a kind collaboration between myself, and the craftmen that created it. Fred built it, Keith painted it, and I searched for the parts I wanted to hang on it. And that is exactly what I got."

Podem coincidir rodant amb ell, simplement. No és important si coincidim amb el concepte de bike, sí que respectem com veiem cada un de nosaltres la nostra bike.

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