dimecres, de març 30, 2011

Stans vs EDGE.

Interessant, molt interessant.

"stans vs edge. there are *no* comparisons in some ways. edge are way stiffer, way lighter, wider and deeper and *way* more expensive. light:strong:cheap? ... flows were fine, but edge are in a different league.

id been riding the edge am rims on my jones for a while and once you get used to the stiffness (as long as you are not looking for softer wheels), its hard to give up. definitely on a hard charging bike with some shock absorption, you cant beat em imho"


Prudent però clar i definitiu:

"flows were fine, but edge are in a different league"

De les millors definicions que he llegit darrerament, no pel que diu literalment si no per l'expressió.


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