dilluns, de març 07, 2011

Race Report

Race Report here:
Causeway Coast Adventure Race Round 4

The final round of the series was a great race. 100+ Competitors and racing that went down to this final race for results.

After a slow start to the series we had a brilliant finish. Team work and Determination proved to be our success. We beat teams that looked a lot fitter. Good map reading, fast transitions and helping push each other when times were hard.

We finished 3rd Male Team and 5th Overall for the series. I was both shocked and surprised we done so well as we weren't taking it too serious. Serious enough to make the podium ;-)

2 comentaris:

  1. Congrats Michael.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Michael, aquest ha estat el resultat de la constància, l'esforç, les ganes i la il.lusió. Moltes felicitats a tu i al teu company d'equip.
    La pròxima edició ja teniu un bon repte a superar!
