dilluns, de març 21, 2011

Donaldson Center season is back

Yes, the Donaldson center season starts tomorrow, as day light savings are already in place in USA. I just left here the info is on the Greenville Spinners web site

"There is no other ride like SCTAC. You arrive a stranger but leave a friend. Cycling brings folks together and SCTAC is where they all meet. The ride meets weekly from Spring through Fall, groups start to depart at 6pm. Times do change as the days get shorter. Spinners members receive all the e-mail updates for the ride. Click here to get directions to SCTAC.

Due to the size of our groups and the need to maintain our average group speeds, we are adding a new group. We have many that want to graduate from the "C4" to "C3" group but are finding the transition difficult. We hope that this new group structure will help the transition.

It is important that you respect the group average speeds advertised for the group that you join. If you have the "need for speed" join the next fastest group the following week but again, do not push your group to go faster!! The ride leader sets the pace for the group, please follow the leader.

We do need "C" ride leaders/sweeper for every week, PLEASE consider volunteering!!

Ride Info
"A" & "B" Perimeter Rd. ride led by Steve Baker (Race Focused, High Speed, Police escorted around Perimeter Rd 7.2 mile loop, be ready to not only rock but roll with these groups. Average speeds are 20+++ MPH

"C" Country Group Rides

Group Distance Pace
"C1a" 32 miles 20+ MPH Hammer Heads, Non-Group Ride
"C1b" 32 miles 19+
"C2a" 32 miles 18-19MPH
"C2b" 32 miles 17-18MPH
"C3a" 32 miles 16-17MPH
"C3b" 32 miles 15-16MPH
"C4" 24 miles 12-14MPH, with sweeper (no one left behind)
Women depends on particiapants depends on particiapants

Ride leaders set the pace, assimilate new cyclists to the SCTAC experience, and assure the rules of the road are conveyed to all in the group. We want to ensure all feel welcome and included in our activities. We are seeing new folks weekly and having a primary contact within the groups has helped to ease their transition from a "Newbie" to a "Regular".

Please volunteer to be a ride leader at SCTAC Tuesday nights. You make this ride a success.

From SC, Xavi Paricio

6 comentaris:

  1. I entenem que hi seràs? No t'oblidis de fer fotos, encara recordo les fotos de l'any passat d'aquells enormes grups de ciclistes...

  2. Si, si, hi anire....no puc fallar a l'estrena de la temporada. Dema no se si podre aportar moltes fotos, pero ho intentarem.

  3. Enjoy the new season Xavi. I have been on the road bike this past few weeks training for the coast to coast. I did 130km last friday and was very glad to see home again. I made the oldest mistake in the book starting too fast and not pacing myself. I was averaging 22mph for the first half this dropped dramatically for the return journey. Still good to get the distance in the legs.

  4. Xavi que emocionant.

    Quin model de proposta i d'organització més potent, més positiu, més atractiu.

    Veig la imatge, llegeixo la proposta de l'organització i em venen ganes de sortir a pedalar amb vosaltres.

    Que bé, que bé, que bé.

  5. Un cop pait l'esforc i les sensacions, no puc dir res mes que el Donaldson es unic, no tant per els recorreguts, o l'orrganitzacio, o la quantitat de gent que hi pots trobar cada setmana...es unic perque com a proposta combina la part competitiva, amb la part ludica, perque pots trobar en un lloc el que al nostre pais petit trobarias a 1000 indrets diferents, cada club amb la seva "petita" sortida....grups de 30, pero aqui multiplicats per 10...i crec que no exagero gens, sopant amb en Marc al acabar la pedalada, parlavem de la quantitat de gent...300 o 400...qui sap !!!!

  6. Crònica d'aquesta jornada, crònica, s'ho val.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
