dilluns, de febrer 21, 2011

Paris Mountain, II

Another day in Paradise...

...or another day riding with my Ibis Mojo is Paris Mountain, this small State Park close to Greenville, where we can enjoy of great single tracks, and where every Sunday, all MTB people shares "the road".

Today I went to Paris Mountain alone, with the idea of creating a second video, but on the last section close to the lake. I always have nice surprises there, today Mark was there, riding on his grate Ibis, as soon as I;ve seen his Nuclear Pesto going up the tarmac section...I was thinking, great...after that, we also met Craig, a senior MTB rider, but one of those you can't follow, so tall and strong, riding on a Orbea Alma 29"....yes 29".

I will talk about other riders and bikes, but it will be in another entry...now enjoy the video !!!!

Ibis Mojo, Riding at Paris Mountain II from Javier Paricio on Vimeo.

From SC, Xavi Paricio

9 comentaris:

  1. Com m'agrada la teva Ibis.

    Bones imatges, entre corriols.

    Quin final més real, més de tocar de peus a terra.

    Bones les seqüències on es veu el corriol amb tota la seva extensió i poder gaudir del pas del genet per ell.

    MTB, MTB, mTB.

    Xavi, amb dies així que més podem demanar.

  2. Que llunyans aquests paratges, i en canvi, que propers ens els fas veure.
    Crec que seran ideals per rodar-hi amb les nostres 29"SS.
    Impacient per saber-ne més de les teves converses amb els bikers americans!

  3. A veure si es veritat Betty, ens encantaria tenir-vos aqui uns dies, es casa vostra no ho dubteu. El video genial, el lloc un parais, en tots els sentits, els corriols, la gent que hi pots trobar, i l'ambient de bike que hi corra, en fi , un espai privat per els bikers! I que consti que aquesta vegada no hi havia ajudant de camara!

  4. Molt maco Xavi!
    Pel que veig no fa massa fred,no?

  5. Gracies, realment la zona es una meravella, un petit Paradis, perfecte per rodar amb 29" SS, de fet, ahir en vaig veure 4, dues Niner, una Orbea Alma 29" i una Specialized...o sigui que per referents no es pot demanar mes.

    Colorado, no feia gens de fred, temperatura totalment primaveral, i porto el paravent perque el dia era gris, i el vent fresquet...pero si arribar a ser Dissabte o avui, maniga curta i nomes els manegots !!!!

    Ara hem falta montar el "making-off" ha comencare aquest vespre, com no fara falta musica, aviam si el puc penjar aquesta mateixa nit.

    Una abracada

  6. Amazing video Xavi. I love the wide shots of the trail with the rider in the distance.

    I have been thinking about using the Go Pro for more footage like this rather than all on board action.

    These videos are really inspiring and next good day I might try more shots like this.

    Thanks as always for sharing.

  7. Gracies Miki, gracies Michael....yes, the wide angles gave a lot of opportunities.

    I'm now just waiting on the last Colorado creation with the Turner's....on my case, Paris Mountain has this options, some trials are in a way you can shoot footage with more view of the trail !!!!

    Lets see also your's, the Go Pro HD it's a good camera, and you can combine both action and views ...
