dimecres, de febrer 23, 2011

Night Ride at Paris Mountain

There is always a first day, for all you do in your life.

Today was my first "night ride", not the first time I arrive home in darkness, but the first I plan to ride on the "dark side" with my helmet light.

The experience was awesome, as the ambience in Paris Mountain was 100% MTB, only bikers with their dragons ready to jump on the trials. Ibis, Santa Cruz, Niners, Rocky Mountain, Specialized....a lot of 29", a lot.

I started on the lower section of the park, it was still clear and I had time to heat my legs without the stress of the night, I knew today I was facing a different scenario, and I didn't wanted to have all the surprises on the same moment. The idea was to be on the parking lot around 5h30 pm, and met there with Marc, his brother and two other friends, but from work I already texted them I was late, impossible to leave work before, so they can start without me.

In fact, that not being good, was the best it can happen, as I was alone and riding at my own path, rather than trying to follow the group. The night was coming slowly, when I was doing the first section on Mountain Creek, an almost flat trail, with ups and downs, really fast and funny...and dangerous as rocks and trees are always on the way. From this one, I connected to Sulphur Springs, till the area of the second parking where I moved in to the tarmac road to climb till the upper parking area...in fact, the trial section on this point is almost impossible to climb.

Once I arrived to the upper parking lot, I met with more riders, none that I known, but they were waiting for some people coming behind me. we all take the same direction, to the left again on Sulphure Springs since Fire Tower and the connexion to Kanuga. On this section I was riding behind another bike, when he crashed against something on the side, initially nothing happened, but just some meters away we discovered the rear derailleur was broken, so he started the way back....on that moment it was completely black night, and the trials were a continuos movement of lights...amazing. I met Guido, he is a work friend, and was riding his Element 7.0, nice bike, he arrived really early, so we had no option to ride together...again, good for me, to be used to the night.

I made a 2 minutes break on the junction from Fire Tower to Kanuga, there was more riders there, and all them talking about going to the left, directly to the north lake, doing the same down hill section I did the video last Sunday. I decided to follow them, was grate, the lights of all five bikes created a white scenario in the middle of the dark, but due to the fact I was riding the last, I had a lot of dust, that came up to my vision because of my focus....this down hill section was a total experience, even I know pretty well, I was feeling it was a new trial, and the feeling of having a good time was increasing...as the speed...my good, there was no time to react on the angles, trees and rocks, so I think I did my best riding ever, going over all what was coming in front...just amazing.

Once we arrived to the north lave (Reservoir 3) I did a picture of two of the riders, one with a Niner Jet 9, in green, and the other with a Santa Cruz Blur in anodized black....great bikes, better riders. I turned to the left, but on this section they were so fast, and I didn't felt as comfortable as I was thinking on a crash I had two years ago....thanks God this time all was smooth, but my feeling was my speed was higher than usual...and I know it was just the feeling, but as the trials are a continuous turn to the left, to the right, up and down....with the lights you have no option to see more than the coming meters....everything happens at high speed.

It was late, so I decided to start the way back, as park door closes at 9pn sharp, I was alone, and I didn't wanted to have a mechanical problem that force me to "spend the night on the park"...the uphill killed my legs...I'm not ready for this at night....so I tried to do my best till the top. Once there, two riders were talking about options, they followed me on my way back on Sulphure Springs, as their car was on the upper parking...not mine.

Guys, I don't know why I started so late on this....it was one of the better experiences I ever had, I miss one more light...thanks Marcal for your info in some post...so I will complete as soon as possible.

I was riding with my spring apparel, without sleeves and just a gore t-shirt under my CABRERES maillot.

Just to close the night, I want to share this pic.

Form SC, dark night, Xavi Paricio

5 comentaris:

  1. Xavi, un català a les Amèriques fent nocturnes amb la seva Ibis Mojo Carbon Nuclear Pesto a Paris Mountain.

    Essència de MTB, jo en vull una dosi sencera.

    Sortir de nit entre corriols, entre d'altres bikers amb les vostres llums, és una aventura nova, diferent, que de ben segur podràs-voldràs repetir.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Que bona la conversa d'aquest matí Xavi, quines més bones sensacions.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Porta oberta al MTB nocturn a South Carolina.

  3. Xavi que emocionantes son las nocturnas, rodavía recuerdo mi primera, la hice en otoño del 97, íbamos unos 15 bikers, la anécdota de esa salida fue que nadie se quería quedar atrás, todos delante. Otra que recuerdo con mucha ilusión fue la nocturna al majestuoso Turò de L'home en compañía de Betty y Marçal en el 2005, menuda salida nos marcamos.

    Por cierto Xavi la foto es muy guapa.

  4. A great experiance at night. Different senses, Different reactions a totally different experiance. Old trails feel new.

    Total MTB!!!

  5. Gracies, gracies, realment descobrir un nou mon, sempre omplre l'esperit, pero a mes, com diu en Michael, "old trials feel new", estic totalment d'acrod.

    Miki, es que tus nocturnas, con semejantes genets, son incomparables !!!!
