dimarts, de febrer 01, 2011

It's all about biking !!!!

I was feeling really bad last Friday,

Different reasons came to us, but after all, there was really no issue, we love biking, and this is all about, it's all about to share what we love, it's all about to explain what we share, it's all about to enjoy when we explain.

There are no fears, no limits, no borders, the only frontier is the one we fix, the only limit is the one we chose, the only fear...I don't have an answer for that...what is yours?

I love biking, I usually ride less than I need, and sure I ride less than I want, but I enjoy every single minute I spent, and these last days, even I was feeling sad, somehow I discovered there was no reason for that...so I decided to continue my road, with the ones decided the same, with the ones we spent so many hours sharing, talking, writing...loving.

Because it's that, love, what we put in every single step of this damn blog, in very single word of each article, in every single minute we spend here.

And as I was talking today about all the nice histories we are running these days, Turner, Fattires-Bike, BiciOci, Niner, Pivot, Chain....all of them, nice ones, interesting ones, loved ones...I was looking for a video I remembered we've seen almost two years ago, it was made on a unique scenario, 24h Finale, it was about Niner, it was about us, it was the perfect link for our history....so I decided I will share this one again with you all....PEDAL DAMN IT !!!!

Niner The Big Revolution from Alessandro Beltrame on Vimeo.

1 comentari:

  1. Amb uns termes com aquests, amb unes paraules com aquestes podem anar a tot arreu.

    És veritat, 24Ore Finale Ligure, una fita de la la Betty de fa molt de temps, cercar al seu dia un escenari, que fos similar a les condicions d'on vivim, una preparació metòdica, bikes, equipaments per la cursa, alimentació durant l'aventura, litres i litres d'aigua i moltes però que moltes ganes de fer-ho bé, que no és per a nosaltres fer un bon resultat, si no participar a unes 24 hores gaudint des de la primera hora fins la darrera, en el meu cas no va ser, en el cas de la Betty sí, la imatge de la capçalera així ho indica, crec recordar no ho he verificat però a aquell instant ja portava 18 hores pedalant.

    Passar-ho bé, no únicament pedalant, si fos així, no tindríem aquest espai, difícil ho tenim per coincidir els dos, però no és això, cada cop que llegeixo, "que menys escriure i més pedalar", penso, bé per això som a on som.

    Jo vull escriure a aquest espai i pedalar, crec que les 24Ore haurien de ser un punt de referència de que això és així, de que pedalem, però amb això "pedalar", no en tenim prou, oi que no?

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Un honor, un plaer, compartir aquest espai Xavi.
