diumenge, de febrer 20, 2011


Northern Ireland has no Legal trails. We have been fighting for years to get trails built and recently things have started to happen.

Local IMBA representitives and other countryside groups are pushing for new trails. To back up the need for trails there is a petition and we need as many names on it as possible.

Apart from the health benifits associated with Mountain Biking I have been trying to highlight the tourism potential. With events like the World SS Championship coming to Ireland we can create another reason for tourists to come and visit this great country. So if you can spare a moment and sign the petition I can use this to show the need for Legal trails here. I would like to be able to show from the names on the petition people from other countries will come here to ride.


Thank you - Gracies

4 comentaris:

  1. Nosaltres ja hem signat, però ens ha mancat poder fer el donatiu per Paypal, no sé perquè no funciona la pàgina per fer-ho, en parlem pel Viber.

    Entenc que ara caldrà preparar la participació a les World SS Championship.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. I do not know what the Donation is for. I am just interested in signatures.

    Thanks Again

  3. Jo també he signat. Esperem poder-vos donar prou suport i que quan vinguem a Irlanda, ens puguis portar a pedalar per la zona.
