dissabte, de febrer 26, 2011

Afternoon Sun

Weather has been very bad in Ireland. Rain most days and coupled with a lot of work at the minute I havent been on the bike as much as I would have liked. I finished work early today having put in a lot of hours this week. It was time to unwind. Camera and water packed, my new lights charged and set up should I need them.

I stayed local as there was only a few hours of daylight left. Divis Mountain above Belfast was the location.

I have been inspired by Colorado and Xavis Videos so I thought I would try and capture something similar. Some scenes are very grainy due to the lack of light but I am happy with my first try at this type of video. Hope you enjoy.

Trek Remedy 8 Afternoon Ride from Mickey Regan on Vimeo.

2 comentaris:

  1. Michael, I love this video, I really do.

    The footage it's amazing, the views, what can I say, you live on an awesome country. The music it's perfect, and what I'm really surprised is about the Go Pro HD quality.

    Of course, in some circumstances, with less light, there is more noise on the image, but I think the quality of the video it's amazing.

    Congrats, and thanks for showing us your country....love this sky !!!!

  2. Michael, diferent dels vídeos que ens has aportat fin ara, molt diferent.

    Quines ganes de venir a rodar per les teves terres.

    Un despertar amb una aportació com aquesta fa que el dia sigui encara més emocionant.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
