dijous, de gener 13, 2011

This is not Ireland ?

Dear Genets,

Yes, I had that question on my mind, for some weather questions (global warming) the countryside on SC was similar to Michael's one, the big difference, in the south they are not ready for this...and almost everything is stopped by the snow...

Thanks good I have the official IMBA car...

Who help me on my drive to work...

And my lovely Google, who show me where is "the danger"...

... other than that, no MTB, no Road Bike these days !!!!

From SC, Xavi Parico

3 comentaris:

  1. Bones converses, el tema Texas NAHBS 2011, és a on és, a 1.100 milles de South Carolina.

    El vol el tenim clar, les 17 hores d'anada i les 17 de tornada per anar i tornar de Texas, no.

    Caldrà deixar madurar si si, sí, o si no.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Xavi quines imatges.

    La neu al món de les iniciatives més atractives.

  2. No Bikes???? Snow is no excuse for no bikes. Get the mountain bike out in the snow. Mountain biking in the snow is amazing.

  3. És veritat, caldrà que en Xavi torni a les seves arrels manresanes i surti amb la Ibis Mojo Carbon Nuclear Pesto per aquests entorns plens de neu.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Una cosa és clara, a en Xavi no el frenarà mai el fred, així que l'aventura està servida.
