diumenge, de gener 16, 2011

The Bull Raid 12 Hour MTB race (Video)

Here is a video from the 12 hour race I took part in last year. Have a look for me at 1:20 and 3:04 What memories. I cant wait to take part again this year.

Entry is open for this years event. Anyone in Ireland on Saturday 6th August 2011 why not give it ago. More info on the 12 hour Bull raid website Here

4 comentaris:

  1. Quantes imatges que em venen al cap.

    Una cursa de resistència, certament té una component èpica.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Nice video Michael.....waiting on the 2011 version !!!!

  3. 2011 I will know what to expect and hopefully I can build on what I learned from 2010.

  4. L'experiència és un grau.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Jo ara no sé si podria afrontar un repte d'aquest nivell, crec que no.
