dissabte, de desembre 04, 2010

Snowboarding and Skiing Today in the Mourne Mountains (Ireland)

Skiing and Snowboarding is normally not something we get to do in Ireland. We have had great conditions and heavy snow for many days. We have no gondola or chair lift. We spent the day walking to the top and skiing/Boarding down. It was hard work but very enjoyable. I feel like I have climbed Everest.

The Long walk to the top.

Mate Andy getting some air of a rocky wall.

Me Snow Boarding for the first time in Ireland.

Getting some air on my Skis

Are we there yet?

3 comentaris:

  1. Haurem de canviar de disciplina si venim a Irlanda.

    Molta però que molta neu a Irlanda.

    Miro les imatges i m'adono de que a casa, el concepte de fred és diferent. És evident que t'adaptes en funció de l'entorn.

  2. When the sun was out it was very warm. Walking up made us warm and sweat a lot. When a freezing mist came in the temperature dropped and sweat on clothes froze. 5mins in the van with hot soup warmed us up. Then the sun came out again for the afternoon.

  3. Marcal....si, el vostre concepte de fred es diferent !!!!
