dissabte, de desembre 11, 2010

No Snow, just Mud!

Saturday ride 50km
7 Riders all from my work met for a spin this morning. Some had not been on bikes in a long time, others like me keep pedalling regardless of the ice and snow. Monday was a better day easier to pedal in the ice and snow. Today was hard work with the ground so soft.

The route we took was known to most of us and is normally a fast xc style loop. Today was much slower due to soft ground mud and a few riders that are just getting fitter.

With 2 new riders I tried to show them as many trails as I could in the short time we had. Some sections we got to ride faster but the majority was hard pedalling using the body like a rocking horse to keep the momentum up.

The group is getting bigger now. I hope I can keep everyone pedalling in the future.

Tonight has been a nightmare to clean the bike.

Temperatures today were around 6oC The snow has gone but for how long? Possibly snow forecast for next week.

Next week the MTB business begins!!!

I look forward to seeing the Three Amigos tomorrow! MTB MTB MTB

¡Fins demà

4 comentaris:

  1. Michael, quines imatges amb el fang...realment despres de la neu, aquest es l'entorn que cal esperar...jo recordo una Hivernal del Bages despres d'una gran nevada....i hi havia tant fang com el que ara tu posses.

    Enjoy de "Three amigos"....

    ....and this time, this entry from an Apple Store in Greenville SC

  2. Quin espais més diferents, nosaltres aquest mig dia pedalant equipats de primavera, vosaltres d'hivern extrem.

    Demà aquesta diferència ja no serà.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  3. Michael , uns minuts i comença l'aventura!!!

  4. Bon viatge. Ens veiem aviat.
