dissabte, de desembre 25, 2010

Happy Christmas from Ireland

2010 Has been a great year. Some of the highlights have been biking in Barcelona. Meeting new Amigos and fellow Bikers.

This morning at 7:30am I set off from my parents house. Snow, ice and -12oC The roads were deserted and it was a beautiful morning for a ride. I rode mainly on roads for about 45mins till I arrived at lough fea. Pictured below the lough has froozen solid. As I was on my own I didnt venture too far out on the ice. I pedalled on to a local forest were we have some single track trails. The forest roads had 1 ft of snow. I have never pedalled in as much snow. It was really hard to push through this type of snow. The trails were a lot easier to pedal on due to the trees sheltering the snow. A few jumps and then back onto the roads for a pedal home. The trees had so much snow the branches were hanging very low. I noticed my head getting colder but only when I got home did I realise why. The snow from the trees had packed into the air vents.
3 Hour Ride on christmas morning. I love Mountain Biking!!!!

It was cold just check out the icicles on the helmet.
Merry Christmas Everyone

4 comentaris:

  1. The best.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Gracias Michael, seguro que a muchos de nosotros nos hubiera hecho mucha ilusión compartir esta ruta contigo.

    Feliz Navidad
    Bon Nadal
    Merry Christmas

  3. Sensacional, -12ºC. què puc dir.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Quina aventura Michael, quina aventura.

    Demà podria ser un bon dia per tornar a agafar la bike, o no.

    Caldrà esperar a quina és la sensació a primera hora.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
