dijous, de desembre 02, 2010

F.A.O. Xavi (Greatest ever time trial for the time?)

Date: Friday September 27 th 1985.
Event: The Nissan International Classic.
Stage: 13 Mile ( 20.921 km ) Individual Time Trial From Carrick On Suir To Clonmel.

Stage Result : Top Five.
1 st Sean Kelly 24.09
2 nd Stephen Roche @49 Seconds
3 rd A.Van Der Poel @1.01
4 th Tony Doyle ( Twice Individual World Pursuit Champion 1980 & 86 ) @1.24
5 th L.Peeters @1.31

Sean Kelly's Average Speed for this Time Trial Was 52.173 Kph ( 32.418 Mph ).Putting that average speed into perspective, the fastest average speed in a Time Trial of more than 20 Km ( 12.427 Miles ) at the time was set by Francesco Moserin a Time Trial in the Final Stage of the 1984 Giro d'Italia, with an average speed of 50.977 Kph ( 31.675 Mph ). It wasn't until 1989 that Kelly's average speed was surpassed. Gerg Lemond's famous dual with Laurent Fignon. That famous 24.5 km Time Trial in the 1989 Tour De France between Versailles and Paris, which won theTour for Lemond. His average winning speed was 54.545 Kph ( 33.892 Mph ). A fairfew miles of that Time Trial was down hill. And of course he was riding a specific Time Trial Bike with aerobars. Still that was a remarkable performance. Stephen Roche who finished second behind Kelly at 49 seconds was riding on the latest technology available at the time. A low profile Time Trial Bike with two DiscWheels. Sean Kelly was riding a regular Road Bike with a rear disc wheel. He was wearing a skin suit. His feet were strapped into pedals with straps and clips. Nomodern day Clipless pedals and cleats. No special aerodynamic Helmet. No modernday, wind tunnel tested, aerodynamic, computer aided design carbon fiber Time Trial Bike's with low profile aeorbars, and wheelsets designed to cut through the wind with minimal drag. Just sheer power, talent, skill and determination. Kelly'sTime of 24.09 for the 13 miles between Carrick On Suir and Clonmel is still a recordtill this day. It is surely one of the greatest performances in Cycling History. Echo's of Yester Year.

Long live King Kelly.

2 comentaris:

  1. Amazing Time Trial.....a great video, determination as you said...I just can't imagine to by riding on this trial, and watch Kelly just going away from you !!!!

  2. It is still to this day an amazing video to watch. They should show that to the kids to teach them determination.
