dilluns, de novembre 01, 2010

Wet Wet and More Wet

The weather in Ireland has been terrible. I have still been riding despite the bad weather. I had another night ride last week and 30mins in the rain started very heavy. I rode for 1hr 45mins in the rain and still was smiling at the end. On friday myself and a friend went to ride in what can only be described as terrible conditions. The weather doesnt bother me as I am use to it but on friday I was wetter than I have ever been before. One river crossing that is normally ankle high water was over waist high. We didnt even risk trying to get through as the force was to great. We ended up cutting the day short as it got very cold as well. The News that night showed wide spread flooding. Weather warnings and people being told to stay at home unless it was urgent. Yet we rode around a mountain loving the fact that we are on our bikes. Today I got a dry morning but the trails are soaked. Puddles and deep muck meant the bike got a major clean when I got home.

This got me thinking about my rain gear. I was getting very wet and uncomfortable so I thought I would spend some money. It was time for a new Jacket so tonight I bought a Gore Fusion II jacket. I will write a review when I try the jacket.

The winter and rain is not going to beat me! I will ride on!

4 comentaris:

  1. Michael, que bé que tot i el mal temps no et desanimis a sortir.
    La Gore Fusion II Jacket té molt bona pinta, ja ens diràs com va, la meva Power Lady Jacket també de Gore Bike Wear m'ha donat molt bons resultats sempre en dies de fina pluja, o neu moderada, és realment impermeable i transpira diguem-ne que correctament.

    Estarem a l'espera de la teva crònica sota la pluja i equipat amb la nova jaqueta.

  2. La meva Gore Bike, és paravent i prou, he de decidir també fer el pas que has fet tu, i la Betty al seu dia.

    Per a mi, pel fet de que aquí el fred extrem és molt puntual, la jaqueta ideal és la que porta la Betty. Pel fet de que no m'ha d'abrigar, sí protegir de la pluja.

    Fa temps que les miro, i fa temps que no em decideixo.

    Però és evident que al teu país també m'hauria decidit per una jaqueta del tipus que ens exposes.

    Però el que sí que no sé, és si sortiria jo amb aquest temps tan extrem, tot i disposar de la jaqueta en qüestió.

    Ara que després de la crònica de la Cerdanya, és més aviat una contradicció afirmar-ho.

  3. Veig que la jaqueta desperta expectacio, Michael, jo vaig estar amb el mateix dilema, i aquesta era una de les meves "favorites"....de moment pero, res de res, esperarem la teva cronica !!!!

  4. Primer judici és aquest cap de setmana. Estic fent una cursa d'aventura.
