dimarts, de novembre 30, 2010

Reunion Island Volcano Mega-Avalanche

I am not sure if you can view the video clip in the link below?


"It seemed like a good idea at the time," laughs Nicolas, nervously, as he peers over the edge of the volcano, with his bicycle propped up against a huge rock of lava.
Six months ago Nicolas, a Reunion Islander, thought it would be a good idea to enter the Mega-Avalanche event - a 35km mountain bike race down the side of the volcano. It's billed as one of the most extreme sports events in the world. And now, on the morning of the big event, Nicolas is having a reality-check.

1 comentari:

  1. I tan que el puc veure.

    Quin domini, quin terreny, amb la Vicious sí, però no el dia de la cita esmentada, i segurament amb pedals de plataforma i un calçat per caminar i molt.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
