dimarts, de novembre 09, 2010

I got Published!!!

This year I have said I am not going to let weather or darkness beat me. I am biking, running kayaking, adventure racing, swimming and anything else I can do to keep active. I dont want to let all my fitness from the summer dissapear then spend all next summer getting it back.

First series of the year was the winter running series. The races take place at night and runners are aided with head torches through dark forests and trails. This is the second year of the series and as always I do my race report after.

Uberdog is an extreme sports magazine and they were at the event taking photos. I contacted the photographer asking for the photos for my race report. The editor of the magazine then emailed me asking if they could see the race report. I then got an email asking if they could publish the report in issue 5. The report is now front page online and I will feature in next months issue 5

The Story:

2 comentaris:

  1. La cursa a peu és exigent de veritat, de fet tota cursa ho és. Fer-ho de nit, una aventura asumar ales millors experiències, tant a l'hivern com a la resta de l'any.

    Córrer a l'hivern és una bona opció per mantenir la forma.

    Publicar la teva experiència a una revista especialitzada és tota una novetat.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Nosaltres mirarem de perseverar amb les sortides en bike, faci o no faci fred, digui el que digui la Betty, haurem de fer el cor fort i sortir, perquè avui per avui no estic motivat a posar-me les Trabucco i córrer entre torres, tot i que ho escric i crec que aquestes ja venen, les ganes vull dir.

    Dies de molts pensaments, de fites a assolir, mtb, mtb, mtb.

  2. Michael,

    Congratulations, great race, great pics, nice to be on a web/magazine.....amazing !!!!
