dilluns, de novembre 22, 2010

Angry and annoyed

I was watching a race on sunday and on the way home I took a fall. I had come of the trails and onto a tarmac path. I was taking a corner and as I leaned in the wheels skidded out from under me. My hip took most of the impact but as it was quiet fast I slid along the ground for a bit.

This was the result of the damage. The left arm of the coat melted holes as I slid along the ground. The shell is now ruined. I was thinking about using a patch and using glue to stick it down. I have emailed Gore to See what they recommend and if they have material such as patches.

4 comentaris:

  1. Michael, el més important de tot és que avui ens ho puguis explicar, fer trams de carretera té els seus riscos, nosaltres ahir també vàrem trobar molts trams on l'asfalt estava ben moll, no em vull ni imaginar quan glaça, es deu convertir en una pista de patinatge!

    Ja ens informaràs de la solució que et donin els de Gore, que serà, segur, molt valuosa per tots.

    Fes bondat, i en un no res podràs tornar a rodar.

  2. http://www.expe.fr/kit-de-reparation-gore-tex-p2391.html?language=en


    Si tu estàs bé, com moltes vegades sento a casa, com per exemple a la darrera caiguda on vaig estripar el jersei Assos obsequi de Girona-Bordils, i per tant amb un valor afegit, "si no surts no et passa això" i és evident que seguirem pedalant, així que les caigudes, sempre mirant d'evitar-les, són un dels trets de sortir a pedalar.

    Michael, mtb, mtb, mtb.

    A recuperar-te, de fet més de la moral que normalment del cop físic, no sé si és el cas, però pel que exposes jo diria que sí, i a seguir gaudint de cada aventura a sobre de la bike.

  3. I suppose it is inevitable it was going to happen but so soon has made me more annoyed. I havent even had a chance to review the jacket for the Blog. Thankfully I am o.k. which is the main thing.

    I can fix the hole and thankfully this has not stopped me from being able to pedal.

    The bike is fine with just a scratch on the skewer and the pedal.

  4. Michael, bad luck on this fall, but as all them said, the most important is you ar esafe.

    A real petty to see the jacket on this way, but I'm sure there will be some god solutions....keep us posted on this !!!!

    Saludos from SC
