dijous, d’octubre 21, 2010

First Night Ride of the Winter

Tonight was the first night ride of the winter. Its not really winter just yet but here the day is getting dark early. At 6:30pm the light begins to fade. After 7 its pretty much dark. This will get worse next weekend when the clocks change. All after work riding will be in the dark like it or not. It is not too cold yet still wearing shorts.
(Above is the view with no lights)

As it was the first ride at night with the lights I rode a trail I have used a lot this summer. I pretty much know it inside and out.

(Below is the trail with the lights, at the same spot as the photo above)

The ground was very wet in places. It was hard to get use to the lights and the darkness.

(Below: The view of belfast at night)

Everything went well no crashes and I made it home in good time.

Not great photos as they were taken with the iphone.

More More More!!!

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