dijous, de setembre 02, 2010


Are Bikes for Summer?

Honestly, I'm not sure, at least not on the South, and I will explain. During the last weeks, even I had more day light and time, I was not able to ride on a regular basis, I don't know why, but my body simply reject the idea. I had always an excuse, another thing to do, something that moves my mind to another area....extrange, as I'm really a MTB, or Road Bike man.

After some days thinking about, I realize that it was all related to the weather, so hot and humid, the idea to go riding made me feel tired....and I was. With days over 100 F, and close to 90% humidity, ride on bike was more than exercise, was a crazy idea.

But even on the South, weather changes within a day, and some fresh winds...I don't know where they come...just decreased the temperature and humidity to "human levels". So I'm there again, riding every day...yes, every day to complete a four in a row extrange for me.

I've been doing some of my typical circuits, with small variations, but always trying to find well know roads where I feel at home, and where I can explore my limits. Day after day I've been improving my sensations riding, feeling more and more comfortable on top of my Tarmac.

First days I've been riding smooth and calm, to increase little by little the rythm approaching to mid week. Yesterday I was riding, and my legs where almost running alone, I was under the impression I was going so slow, but the time and speed was telling me something different, as the reality was I was able to move more cadence than previous weeks.

During the ride I had very nice surprises, I met two people, one I can't really tell you the name....Kirk...like the movie start...and the other called Ron. Both used to ride with a new group has been created on the old Carolina Triathlon shop, that now is owned by different people as they merge all shops in the one downtown. This group rides every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm, and the best is they are really close to my home, so I decided I will join them, maybe starting next week, in order to keep going and improve my physical fit for this coming fall / winter.

And yes, I know winter will arrive, and riders will be leaving SC roads.....but I will be there, as I love to ride and feel the freeze and cold on my face....more than this feeling of being in an oven. So at the end, I came back to the initial question, are Bikes for Summer?

From SC, Xavi Paricio

4 comentaris:

  1. Les bicicletes per quan són?, a casa fins avui, demà no ho sé, són l'eina per gaudir de l'aventura cada dia, cada dia, i cada dia.

    Les estacions, són per que hi siguem a cada una d'elles, és així, i ja està bé que sigui així, més que bé.

    Per a mi, la primavera i la tardor, les millors, i l'estiu també si és com el que estem gaudint aquest any.

    Quan dius hivern és la meva estació, penso amb tu a Manresa, i un somriure em ve tot seguit. Colorado si mai hem de tornart a Manresa, ja et recordaré que no hi vagis, "tinc tant fred que em fa molt , però que mol mal al cor, m'hauràs de recordar que no he de venir mai a l'hivern a Manresa".

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Quina caravana més sensacional, sé a on n'hi ha una, o millor dit hi havia. En el meu cas construïda amb alumini, avui hi passaré, i si hi és tindrem per fer una gestió divertida.

  2. Summer? I remember when I was riding at La Cerdanya during those long days, and it was great, but guess what, now living on the South, my idea of summer is barely different, just barely....

    Manresa cold in winter, NOOOO,.....lol. The problem is Colorado was wearing shorts, and I can show this, I have pictures !!!!

    The caravan pic is just as a reminder of something comming in two weeks, the US Pro Cycling, this one was there last year, and I found it was just a great idea, a cofee-caravan !!!!

  3. I have had a similar experience lately but this wasn’t due to weather. I am only really getting back on the bike after the 12 hour Race. I done a technical open mountain ride last night and feel great again. Bike is working well with the new gear lines and I am pedaling well. More More More!!!

  4. No seran necessàries les fotos d'en Colorado amb pantalons curts, és una realitat, Colorado=pantaló curt. Tot i que moltes coses estan canviant, és cert.

    Michael, bona noticia que ja tornis a rodar. I millor encara que diguis, More, More, More!!!.
