divendres, de setembre 03, 2010

Marzocchi adds two 29er Forks to the UK market

As 29ers finally begin to win the same kind of acceptance in Britain that they have enjoyed in the US for several years, Marzocchi have decided to add two 44 series forks for big-wheelers to their UK line-up.

The 44 Micro Ti and 44 TST2 aren't, as UK distributors
Windwave claim, the "only 140mm-travel 29in forks on the market" – our testers are already rocking 29er RockShox Rebas and Revelations with that much travel – and they're a little heftier than the competition.
But Marzocchi seem to have addressed the reliability issues of recent years and their latest forks have been well received by the cycling press and riders alike, so these new offerings could be good choices for burlier or more maintenance-shy riders.
The 44 Micro Ti uses Marzocchi's top-end TST Micro damping cartridge and features adjustable rebound, compression, lockout and lockout threshold. The new, low-pressure AER system is claimed to offer "coil-alike plushness" thanks in part to its titanium negative spring.
Fork travel is 120mm out of the box but this can be adjusted to 100mm or 140mm by adding or removing spacers. The 44 Micro Ti is only available in white and with a QR15 axle, and weighs 2,035g (including axle). It costs £599.95 and should be available in October.
The 44 TST2 features more basic internals, and lacks threshold and compression adjustment, but offers the same amount of travel. Again, it's only available in white and with a QR15, and weighs 2,250g (including axle). RRP is £339.95. For more details, visit

3 comentaris:

  1. Un únic dubte, la seva fiabilitat, és el que em frena d'aquesta marca que va ser de referència fa uns anys.

    Seguirà el camí de la casa Formula, és a dir, aconseguirà en aquest cas,tornar a ser una marca de suspensions de referència?.

    La Corsa SL WC del 2006/08 per a mi un somni.

  2. Reliability is always going to be top of a riders motives to buy. When a manufacturer suffers with reliability issues it takes a long time for a rider to gain the confidence in a brand and the components.

    My only experiance has been with the 888's 2007.

  3. Michael, tot el que he llegit del 2007 cap aquí, han estat problemes amb el TST, problemes i més problemes.

    A casa però les games Bomber de XC més senzilles amb uns pesos de 1,9 Kg. han estat forquilles indestructibles, encara avui estan rodant, i no s'hi ha fet cap mena de manteniment des del 200-2005.

    Però aquestes forquilles són anteriors a l'arribada del TST.

    Jo si no fos pel TST tindria segur una Marzocchi Corsa Superleggera RC Forks 2011.

    Però la reputació i perquè no un preu important, però en primer terme la mala reputació que l'envolta, fan que no quan vaig comprar la Rocky Mountin Element Team SC penses fermament que la forquilla era una Corsa WC, finalment em vaig decidir per una WC, sí, però va ser la Rock Shox Reba blanca commemorativa dels jocs d'Atenes.

    I és la millor forquilla, la Rock Shox Reba WC, que ha passat per casa.

    Tot i així la Corsa, sempre té un lloc al meu cap. Una Marzocchi té quelcom que no sé definir, fins avui això no ha estat suficient, en el futur, "chi lo sa?".
