dijous, de setembre 09, 2010

Belfast MTB!!!

Finally some km traveled!! The weather has not been great very wet. The mountain is like a sponge. Some trails under water and very hard pedaling through the boggy sections.

Already my shoes look like they have been through a tough winter. Winter has not started yet the mountain is already suffering.

Legs and bike get covered in mud. Still I enjoy the biking. The weather makes already traveled trails new. The trail feels like a different place. The pedal strokes are different to when it is dry. I feel like a rocking horse as I ride trying to find grip and get the bike through the bog.

The weather when riding has been good and has not rained as I ride. The view over Belfast is a good one. The last light from an unfamiliar sun.

The sunset how it should be viewed. On a MTB!!!

The path above has been installed to make the Mountain more accessible in all weather. The ground gets very wet but these plastic paths stay above the water and makes some of the ride easier.

These paths allow the mountain heather to grow. The holes in the path let the grass and heather through so it blends into the mountain looking more natural.

Saturday night fever on a Mountain above Belfast!

The terrain is sometimes hard to pedal across because the grass and heather is quite long in places.

The hole in the mountain. A quarry on the side of the hill shows years of mining stone for roads around the country. Below another view of Belfast in its last day light.

3 comentaris:

  1. Michael, bones sensacions amb el teu nou Drac per aquests vells i bells camins.

    Ahir al Baix Montseny l'aigua va fer acte de presència, avui?, no ho sé, d'aquí a una estona podré afirmar si sí o si no.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. El què dèiem, hi hem de venir.
