divendres, d’agost 20, 2010

XTR Cables and Hoses

Out with the old and in with the new.
The old gear housing for the front gears took a beating. (Below)
4 Days in Scotland and a lot of Irish mud got into the back gear housing. On the 12 Hour Race they stopped working due to the dirt. The rear cable started to break due to the friction caused by the tension. The cables that make up the main cable was snapping one at a time.
XTR cables in black Silicon Pre-lubricated outer cable
Flourine-coated, reduced-friction stainless inner cable provides precise shifting performance.

Changing the cables was very straight forward. Setting up the derailers took a little more time.

Dirt isnt getting into the cable housing, I hope!
Black coated cables look good.

First impression the cables make shifting very smooth and effortless. I can feel the difference already and havent had a proper ride.

I love MTB maintainance and upgrades!!!


1 comentari:

  1. El manteniment és una part més del gaudir del MTB.

    Pel que veig pel tipus de climatologia, molta pluja i molt fang, fan necessari un manteniment més estricte a la teva zona del que requereixo jo aquí. Fent referència a la YetiBetty, la SS no té aquest manteniment.

    Bon reportatge Michael.
