dilluns, de juliol 19, 2010

Glentress Scotland Day 1

Glentress has been developed into one of the best trail riding centers in Europe. This was my first visit and one I will remember for a long time. The center has a great atmosphere, one that could be compared to a European ski resort. The centre and trail head has a bike shop, bike wash, cafe and picnic area. At the weekend the place has all types of riders from families to leisure bikers, XC bikers, DH bikers. All sorts of people and nationality could be seen. Trails are all graded: Green - family; Blue - Single track introduction with small features; Red - Single track with some large features, jumps and drops; Black - Extreme large jumps, rocks and remote riding on open mountain; Orange - Bike Park grade with jumps, drops hucks and log rides.
Our trip started with the usual drive to the Ferry and boat ride across to Scotland. Then a 3 hour 30 min drive to the Bunkhouse which was 10 mins ride away from the trail centre. We dropped of your stuff and went to the supermarket and got enough food and drink for the weekend. The bunkhouse had a large kitchen with lots of fridge space and ovens. The back had a wash room with a large shower, laundry room and drying room. They had a bike wash and a secure bike room for locking and storing the bikes.
Once we had settled in we got the bikes off loaded checked them over and headed off into the trails for an afternoon ride. The 20km red trail was the first trail on our list. The trail had it all. Climbs, drops, jumps, berms and even some trail features like log rides. The red trail starts with a single track climb up to the bike park. The trail was very smooth and as it was a multi grade (i.e. blue red black) trail start the main trail was not technical. There was some technical lines with rock steps and log rides. This was the case with any multi grade trails. The main trail was smooth and the technical sections were to the side. This was a great way to introduce new bikers to features like these. After the bike park the trail turned to a proper red trail fast descents, rock drops and jumps on a rougher surface. The climbs were steeper and had many switch backs and a more natural feel to the trail surface. The trail "Spooky Wood" was an amazing descent. After the great climb to the top there is an area for a rest with picnic tables. Then the trail really started, it was a trail that you could carry a lot of speed on. Bermed corners, table top jumps and rocky drops. This trail felt like it went on for ever. Very fast and the smile on everyones face at the bottom just showed how good a weekend this was going to be. The trail from here followed more of the same great descents and great climbs. The size of this place was awesome. On day two we took the black trail and that really showed the enormity of the place.

The weather on day 1 was scattered showers of rain and sunny spells. It would not have mattered if it had snowed, everyone was on such a high at how good this trail park was and this was just day 1

As it was our first day everyone was taking it easy. Getting to know the place and knowing there was 3 more days riding ahead.

(To Be Continued......)

3 comentaris:

  1. Quines imatges, quina crònica, cada dia estem més propers a fer el pas de venir.

    Esperarem la propera crònica, la primera ens indica que la segona pinta molt bé.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Molt bona la ideal del color verd del text, i la foto de les bikes en blanc i negre sensacional.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

  3. Michael, aquestes són les imatges del paradís del mtb!!!
    Quin entorn, quin privilegi, quina bona organització, i quina sort que hi haguessin núvols i pluja, aquí ens estem fonent de calor.
    Estem a l'espera de la crònica i les imatge dels següents dies.
