dimecres, de juliol 21, 2010

Glentress Day 2

The Black route at Glentress was the choosen trail for day two. This Trail is way marked and has a distance of 30km and is 80% single track. As the bunkhouse was only 4km from the trail centre we set of from here on the bikes.

We had a full team of riders the 4 that stayed in the bunkhouse and another rider that joined us for the Black route.

The route starts with the multi grade trails from the trail centre to the bike park. After the bike park there is a great bit of narrow single track called "Soor Plooms" through the forest. This trail had a mixture of climbing and descending in the thick of the forest. The all weather surface was rougher than the red trail a good sign that this route is not ridden as much. The reason being it takes us away from the main forest and into remote parts of the mountains. What mountain biking is all about I think.
The trails are joined by forest roads and after a short section of road we reach the first big climb. "The Goat Track" was a long climb throught the trees with switch back after switch back. I was feeling great and loving the climbs (I have Catalunya to Thank for that) Another section of forest road then another steep climb through the forest.

The trails have been developed very clever. They keep the forest riding as close to the trees as possible but giving enough room to ride. They have a natural feel yet the surface is man made.

The climb soon leads onto open mountain and through the heather surface. Again the trail does not take away from the beauty of the mountain but adds a path way for us to marvel in its splendor.

The top has a shelter where we stopped for some snacks and I let the others catch up. We reflected on the climb and though tough everyone was still smiling and enjoying this new venue.

After the shelter was a fast descent called "Britney spears" it was a great trail. Berms and fast corners rock drops and table top jumps. The trail was short and I felt the need to "hit me baby one more time"! (I'll get my coat bad joke)
"The mustard snake" was a very open climb to the Radio tower. A windy gap made for a tough climb on open terrain. After all the hard work of the climbs the fun begins. The "Boundary Trail" and "Shane McGowan" was a mixture of ups and downs. Kind of like Shane himself. The trail would turn into the trees around some corners then back out to run along side the actual forest boundary wall. The views across the open mountains and glens was spectacular.

The next trail "Leithen Door" cost us the first fallen rider of the day. A hard landing on a rock and a slice in the tyre wall. We used a medical Bandage and some ductape to try and plug the hole. This seemed to hold the tube in the tyre enough to ride but we knew it wouldnt hold so Colin took the fire roads back to the Hub to get a new tyre.
The Leithen Door trail was another fast descent with switch backs. The trail was very rocky and rough in places. This finished with tight corner back onto a forest road. The above photo shows this section but the photo does not show the scale or magnitude of this place.
We now moved back onto the single track and "Deliverance" This was a really nice section first with a descent down into the valley floor and then a meandor along the river. We had bridges crossings back and forward over the river. A nice long single track in the heart of the valley.

The photo above is the "Thistle" this is the national flower of Scotland. I had to get a photo of this beside the trail.
The next section saw us climb again. "Redemption Climb" was yet another twisty climb through the forest. Some of these climbs lasted a long time but I found as they were in the forest they didnt seem to bad. They were steep in places but not to Catalunya standards.

Another shelter on the boundary wall was a welcome stop after a nice climb. These shelters are a perfect place to stop for food and a rest. They just add to the attention to detail that the trails have to offer. A simple hut but a welcome comfort for riders at a time of rest.
After we had a break it was back into the forest. This section had a more natural feel. The trails seemed to be on the forest ground over roots and more earthy feel. The Trail "Double X" had some steep step downs and rock gardens into more fast flowing forestry trails. At the bottom we joined the red trail from day one. This would lead us back to the bike park. "Magic Mushroom" had recently been resurfaced. The trail was super smooth and very fast. It was a very open trail and had a few sections of wide northshore or bridge sections as I would call them. This trail was a nice change from the others. Although it was very fast it did not take as much concentration or bike movement as the trail was so smooth.
We reached the bike park and met up with Colin again who had just bought a new tyre. I wanted to do the red trail again but as no one else had the energy we stayed in the bike park. This wasnt the greatest plan as I ended up crashing hard from the drop I was nailing that morning and the day before (Video of the crash to follow when I get it) The post for the free ride park is far below. Please go back to see photos and a video of me doing the drop the correct way.

We finished up for the day and as Colin had the car everyone took the easy option and got a lift back. Myself and Andy rode our bikes back. The video below is me riding into the Bunkhouse and around the back to the Bike wash. A great set up for biking and only £20 a night.

3 comentaris:

  1. No sé si ho entès bé a la teva darrera intervenció has caigut al mateix salt del vídeo d'aquesta?.

    Aquesta darrera crònica té el color, del MTBR. De les millors cròniques de MTB, d'aquells moments per gaudir del que un genet de Drac ens exposa, de les seves/teves sensacions, i poder fer-ho des de casa, és privilegi d'uns pocs genets, els d'aquest espai.

    Es respira sender, corriols, escalades èpiques, descensos d'emoció, on cada tram té quelcom que fer-nos sentir.

    Michael excel.lent crònica, millor sortida de MTB.

    Un privilegi llegir-te.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.

    Demà he d'agafar la bike, com sigui. No es pot llegir la teva crònica i no posar-te "el traje de gala" i sortir a rodar.

    "Redemption Climb", què puc dir, senzillament un nom perfecte, per un recorregut perfecte..

    Ja he d'anar a tres llocs, un d'ells Lorna Pass, el segon Moab, el tercer "Redemption Climb"!!!.

  2. The video of the jump in the freeride post was me doing it correct. I have another video of me crashing on the same jump. I will post the crash soon when I get the video edited.

  3. Michael,
    Et felicito per la sortida, i per la descripció de la mateixa, excel.ent!!
    Me'n alegro molt que les sortides per Catalunya t'hagin ajudat a superar els trams pujadors, és ben cert que quan vas venir te'n vas fer un fart de pujar, i molt bé que ho vas fer.
    L'entorn mostrat a les fotos és paradísiac, un somni pels bikers!
