diumenge, de juliol 25, 2010

Day 3 Innerleithen XC loop

Innerleithen is only 5 mins drive from Glentress. This location has 4 top class downhill trails. It also has a 18km Red xc trail. The trail is sometimes forgotten about as it is so close to Glentress. As we had 4 days we wanted to try everything. The red trail was the trail of choice for day 3.
As this trail starts at the base of the downhill trails we had a big climb to begin with. "Stell Burn Climb" This was a very steep section. The trail builders have made this section as technical as they could with Rocky step ups and obsticles on the trail. I think as this was the third day riding and legs were getting tired it took a bit longer to warm up.
The next section was a welcome one. A flowing section through the trees with a few rocks to keep it technical. I pushed hard through this part as I could feel the legs slowly warming up. At the end was "Taniel Hill" This was a steep slope down then a step up jump. It was easy to roll this or get big air. After the jump two options straight ahead was a small slope or a tight right took you onto a wooden section with a drop off. We stayed and hit the jump a few times more then done the drop off.
There was a small section of forest road and at the end we took a small break. The next trail was one of the best climbs I have done. Not very steep but the single track was amazing. Starting with "Lead Mine Climb" this followed a very dense forest. It was so dense some sections felt like we were riding at night.
The dark feel about these trails had a Ghostly feel. Yet the lack of light did not stop the speed nor did it dampen our enthusiasm. We climbed on not really having an idea as to how much we were climbing due to the trees all around.
We crossed a forest road and back onto single track "Clattering Path". This section was very dark like something from a horror movie. It was quiet wide in places but the darkness made it feel very compact and almost claustrophobic. I really had my climbing legs on and was going very fast. I couldnt hear anyone behind me so eased the pace to let the others catch up.
Even with me slowing they still hadnt caught up so I stopped for a photo at the hairpin below. From here the forest was less dense. With some corners we got to see the sky. We still had no idea of the climb or the land around us. The guys caught up and they took a short break. I think 3 days riding was starting to catch up on some of these guys. Most of them ride 1 day a week and very short distances. Even with tired legs we all pressed on.
"Minch Moor Climb" This climb continued in the forest but soon we would leave the trees behind and move above them on open mountain. This was the first real view of what we had climbed and where we had started from.

The trail narrowed as we left the forest for open mountain. We passed through the heather like there wasnt a trail. If we stepped of the trail and looked back we couldnt see the trail. To look at the mountain it seemed like nature had not been interfered with. I think the trail builders have very cleverly designed a path way through these mountains without taking away from the natural beauty.

As we climb through the heather I find myself looking around a lot. The views were breath taking. The series of photos above are a 180 degree view of the trail and loandscape around me. These photos can only remind me of the journey I have been on. They cannot show this land for the true beauty and vastness that we experianced on our days riding.
At the top of Minch Moor a small 567m the stone pile. The wind was very strong at this point so we decided to push down the other side for a bit more shelter and a lunch stop.
"Minch Moor Descent" Was one of the best descents of the trip. The descent was fast but not like a Downhill Trail. Flowing bermed corners, Table top jumps, rocky step ups and step downs. The trail seemed to go on and on. We followed the trail back into the trees and it got narrow in places. The pace was fast and a few big shouts from the riders just made the atmosphere more electric. Smiles all around at the lunch stop. Even the light rain couldnt take away the smiles.
The "Enduro Track" Trail just carried on the descent. After this a long section of forest road and time to get the heart rate back to normal. We pushed on to the next single track "Plora Craig" This section was very fast Narrow and caught me out on one section. It was hard to get a view at what was coming up as the foliage was quite high. I came around a corner with a medium drop and ended up taking it too fast and had a small crash. I bounced back up give the others a shout warning them of the drop and on I went.

"Razor Rock" Was a small section of Black trail that we had to try. Very rocky and technical but good fun and something different. We joined the red again and followed this single track all the way to the bottom section of the Downhill Trails. We took a break as the rain came on. It give us time to ask a few locals what was next on the trail. A very steep section with rock drops getting bigger as the trail dropped back down the valley.
This small bit of Downhill was smoother than the usual Downhill but that meant the speed was a lot faster than the red descents. Big high berms with sudden drops into step up jumps table tops and more berms. This section was very fast and had some big jumps compared to the Red trail. At the end of the trail we met a few guys from home and had a good chat about the trails and the accommodation etc. It was a reasonably dry day but as you can see below I still managed to get quiet dirty.
We packed the car up and drove the short distance back over to Glentress. We spent the afternoon at the bike park and the trails around the bike park.
Another nice evening and a great ride under our belts. The mood was still good but a lot of tired legs and faces.
The photo below shows just how dark some sections where.

3 comentaris:

  1. Quina crònica Michael, quin detall darrera detall.

    Al bosc dens podem dir "la nit dins del dia", oi?. Ser-hi, ha de ser únic.

    Les imatges segurament no són fidels exactament a la bellesa real del lloc, però et puc dir que diuen i molt d'aquest.

    He de dir que segurament rodar en sec és un privilegi, però el teu terreny, el de les imatges és or pur!!!.

    La millor manera de posar-se en forma és rodar a gust amb la bike, si els teus amics surten un cop per setmana, ser a un campus de quatre dies està molt bé, de fet és de somni. Hores i més hores de pur MTB.

    Una crònica entre les cròniques, Michael, MTB, MTB, MTB.

  2. Michael, són reals aquests paisatges?
    Després de veure-ho, espero viure-ho un dia o altre rodant amb la meva Yeti, però com ho farem quan tornis per casa nostra per sorprendre't?

  3. Quina definició de corriols de dos pams, fa que tot el que no sigui així sembli poc atractiu de fer.

    Michael, què diuen els teus companys, passats uns dies d'aquesta aventura, quines sensacions tenen?.
