dimecres, de juny 16, 2010

Ireland to Catalunya

The Journey begins with packing the bike. This is the first time I have taken a bike on a plane. It will not be the last!!!

Air removed from Shock and Forks. Bars removed from stem and padded and cable tied to the frame. Frame padded and pedals removed. Also the rear derailer removed and padded.

Placed wood between the brake pads. The Discs have been removed from the wheels and tyre pressure released.

Wheels and discs in the disc bag ready to be added to the bike bag.

Cycle clothing added to the bike bag for extra padding. Bike, wheels, clothing and accessories added to the bike bag.
See you soon!!!

2 comentaris:

  1. I tant i tant, d'aquí a res pedalant junts!!!.

    Molt bona preparació i molt bona presentació.


  2. Oh my bags are packed and am ready to go. Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane I don't know when I'll be back again.

    Ireland today Catalunya tomorrow! MTB MTB MTB!!!!!
