dimarts, de juny 29, 2010

The International Language of MTB!!!

Day 1 I arrived in Barcelona at 10:05 to a friendly welcome by Lagranvesio. I had only 3 hours sleep the night before but was excited to be in Barcelona with the bike. This was my first sight of the Vicious 29er. A great sight and even nicer than in the photos. First some food then I built the bike. I wasnt expecting to pedal but went out anyway. The initial impression was great we got into the climbs and followed some flowing single track. The first view of Barcelona from the mtb and what a sight from this great viewing platform. We met another rider (Miguel) who took us down three brilliant trails. A rider who we had just met and with the admiration of each others bikes he decided to show us some of his trails. 5ft wooden drop offs, bermed corners and a small section of northshore with a hipped drop off. This was just the begining of some of the great people I would meet and trails I would ride on this holiday. After completing this trail it was more climbing and technical single track climbs finally started to take its toll on a tired body. I was thinking I am well and truely snookered I am never going be able to pedal all week.

Day 2 was much better after almost calling it off I was glad I got up early and joined the bikers Betty, Lagranvisio and Michael. Legs felt great and the trails where Amazing. Longer climbs through the mountains and some amazing single track through the forests. A full hydration pack and a big breakfast helped me through the day. The trails were different with more narrow sections perhaps not ridden by many this year. A sense of adventure and something new around every corner. Views of Castles the ocean and more mountains further afield that I will visit in days to come. Some technical rocky trails that really tested the Remedy and my riding. Something different and something great. I loved it more of this please.

Day 3 Was a rest day and time for some golf

Day 4 Santa Maria de Corcó The day started with a long drive a chance for me to waken up as we drove through Catalunya. Bikes Bikes Bikes the talk on the journey. Lagranvesio, Betty, Colorado and Myself talking bikes trails and the journey ahead. The Route started with a nice path leading out of the town and into the hills. The image of 3000 bikers doing this route at one time was flashing through my head. What a sight this must be. The classic route, The classic bikes and the classic Riders. This was going to be a long day so pace was slow. Through this amazing country I couldn’t focus on the trails as I was looking around me so much. Narrow Single tracks leading through forests give me time to bike and not look around but even then I found myself looking for the views through the hedges and trees. The company was great and riding with these riders from such different styles and bikes was something to remember for a long time. A great single track with a steep descent to a river paved the way for the first stop and breakfast. A great start to the ride and already so many good trails and good stories. The heat wasn’t really an issue at the start as most of the riding was done in the forest lanes. After breakfast the trails opened up quite a bit more with the sun shining hard. The view points give me a chance to look at where we had come from and where we where going. This rolling adventure just kept getting better. When we weren’t riding great single track we had great views and vise versa. The view looking into Rupit and the hills beyond was a special vision and one that will remain with me. This picture perfect village seemed to be cut from the rock. After many photos the ride down into the village was brilliant. A stop for lunch and a nice rest. Already getting late in the afternoon but ready for more we pedaled out of the village. Into some short climbs over the grass that felt like the tyres were sticking. Or maybe it was just me getting more tired. The pedaling continued and after the lunch had settled the legs felt great again. The pace was still pretty slow but this prevented me from burning out. The final rocky section was something special. Bikes and riders soaking up the abuse the rocks give us. Smiles on faces and the end in sight. Getting back to the Van it was time to reflect on the journey behind. The drive home and more bike topics top 10 Lists and some interesting choices showed the different riding styles and views.

The rest of the week for me was made up of local trails. Some journeys alone and some with more great company. A return to the trails I had been shown by Miguel and as I reached the jumps I was happy to see the man himself and his family. He had been out for a walk and took his wife and children to see the jumps they had built. They kindly offered to take some photos of me doing the drops and jumps. The Catalan people are exceptional.

Another day another trail. Margas brother the new guide. A climb into the mountains and a great view of Barcelona lead us down many switch backs on a stunning trail that lead through the vines. Back into the hills and down more amazing single track taking me home. Another trail another memory and building blocks for a possible longer ride later in the week. I try to remember these smaller rides and think of a link to tie them together if the time allows at a later date. Another day and another very special guide. Marga took me to some new trails and some already visited. This was a special day as it was the first day we have rode together in Catalunya. Trek Remedy 8 and the Yeti together in harmony on a great adventure.

St Juan Celebrations and I meet another local who offers to show me more trails. More new faces and always people offering to show me trails locations and scenery that will live with me forever. A day of accidents with riders falling all around me. It is a sad sight to see such riders down and unable to pedal. We were being taken down a single track trail that looked great at the start. A low entrance to the trail with leaves on the tree that was hiding danger. There was a branch that was not visible on the entrance. One rider through then another oblivious to the danger that was above our heads. The third rider got under the leaves but stood up too fast and got impaled on the branch. Pieces of the branch stuck firmly in the Helmet. The lip on the top showed how far the branch stuck into the helmet. A trip to the hospital was needed and staples to close the wound. (Always wear a helmet!!!!) With news of another fallen rider (Lagranvisio) I took the decision to head into the hills alone. I told my love the route I would take in case anything happened. I had my phone and some money for the emergency situation that I hoped I would never see. As I was on my own I was taking it easy and stuck to the trails I knew. Vietnam and a trail I had grown to love. It is the type of Trail I can not hold back on. Faster and faster the motion was smooth and flowing until one corner caught me out. The wheels dropped into a rut and my weight caused me to fall over the side. A scratch to my knee and elbow but nothing serious. Back on the bike and off to more trails to finish the day.

Saturday and a ride with Yeti’s Bettys. Some great climbs to start the day and steeper than anything we have in Ireland. The climbs were technical and the humidity was great. I was drinking water and breathing heavy but loving it. Marga was pedaling very well and took on the technical climbs like she had been riding them every day. On a day that seemed to be more climbing than descending but what goes up must come down. A great finish to the day was the single track back into town. Followed by an Ice-lolly to cool down.

Sunday and the loneranger rides one last time. I decided to take as many trails in as I had been shown in the week previous. A big climb to start followed by the amzing trail through the Vines. Crossing the road and a climb to the start of the Jump trail. After a very fast descent of the trail it was a climb to the top again. A fellow biker joined me on the climb and when he spoke to me in Catalan I pardoned myself for not speaking the language. He did not speak English but I said I was from Ireland and we pedaled together to the top. With a Molt Bein and a high Five hand shake the international Language of Mountain bike was evident. We didn’t need to understand the words to appreciate the love for the Bike and the sport we love so well. I took a last fast pedal through Vietnam and climbed to the dolmen. I followed the tracks back to the golf course and then after a steep climb back to the single track Marga had shown me. A left turn and back up the hill I finished with a fast descent along the single track to the town. The end to 8 Days pedaling great views, great riding and great people.

Thank you all for your hospitality and guides to some of the best Mountain Biking I have ever experienced. The door is always open to all who reads this blog. Ireland is a place I must insist you visit. So I can return the experience I had thanks to you guys.

Catalunya to Ireland!!!

1 comentari:

  1. Una setmana plena de sortides, plena d'instants únics, on un grup de genets amb els seus Dracs han rodat i rodat per camins i corriols.

    Michael han estat uns dies únics.

    Ara ja fins la propera.

    MTB, MTB, MTB.
