divendres, de juny 11, 2010

AE Forest Trip

A nice summers June Morning with clear skies and sun coming up at 6am. Marga left me to the ferry terminal where my friends picked me up. Bikes loaded for the 3 hour sailing to Scotland. We had breakfast and a chat about the day to come.

AE Forest was the venue of choice for the days pedaling. The forest has a great XC trail with red grade descents and some technical climbs. It also has 2 DH trails very steep technical descents, drops, gap jumps and huge Table top jumps with many bermed corners to keep the speed rolling.

The trail centre has a cafe, bike shop, showers and bike wash. The trails are all man made trails built on a bed of large Rocks and a finer stony surface of sand and gravel. The trails are designed for all weather. The bad winter has cut up the top surface at places and made for some tricky descents.

The day started out with a tough climb up a single track trail with switchback after switch back taking us through the forest. The route is 75% single track both in forest and on open mountain where the forest has been harvested. The first of the big descents is a fast section with berms and rock drops. This took us down a valley to the river below and a bridge crossing. The excitement was high and a very fast start almost ended in disaster for three of us at the front. Just before the bridge crossing they have flattened the last two berms as the winter took the bridge out and they had machines in fixing it. As we were expecting the berms the speed was very fast and took some commitment to get around the corner as the alternative was land in the river. Next was a very steep technical climb similar to the first climb of the day but longer and steeper. The trail flattened out and a long section of ups and downs kept the pace steady. The next section had a big step up. We stopped and tried this many times until we had it nailed. We followed the track for a very tight section through the trees. My wide bars just making it through the trees on some sections. There is a long section of north shore about a meter of the ground. This twists through the trees with a small drop at the end. Two of us went for a second run through it and Paul landed hard at the end of the drop bursting a tube.

The edge was next this starts with a fast descent on bermed corners then a very tight corner that seems to catch someone out every time we ride this trail. The trail then runs along the side of a big drop to the river below. Aptly named “The Edge” This is a fast section but with care as the corners are narrow and the drop is very steep to the river below. At the end there is a long descent to the river with drops and bermed corners. More climbing and a short bit of single track before the last trail and a fun jump section called the “Omega Man” This trail has a push up path and is often ridden over and over as the jumps and drops are amazing.

Lunch time at the trail centre café and some much needed food and energy. We found a new friend who took a liking to my bike. The Vicious Guard Dog!!

After lunch it was time to head into the DH trails. We pushed up the trail to let the others see what it was like as some hadnt ridden this trail previously. The shredder has everything. Steep decents rocky tree sections big jumps, Road gaps. Most of the trail can be rolled with the exception of the road gap which is BIG. After discussing the trail I was glad to hear everyone was going to give it a go. Even the novice riders who had gained confidence as the day progressed. We hit the trail a few times and with everyone making it down. Smiles on all the faces showed just how good the ridding had been.

The last section of the day was the "omega Man" again. With everyone still smiling we took this trail very fast. Big drops and table top jumps all the way to the car park. It was such a good run everyone went again and again.

With legs getting tired but confidence building one of the group pushed it a bit too much. Took a drop on the wrong line and ended up crashing big. Cuts, bruises and a stiff wrist but walked away to tell the tale. The car park is on the side of the river so as it was warm a swim and wash in the river. No better way to finish a great day. With the car packed it was a 2 hour drive back to the ferry and a 3 hour sailing back to Ireland.

The Road home bikes on the roof after a long days riding.

Scotland this week Catalunya Next week.

See some of you guys soon!!! MTB MTB MTB!!!!

3 comentaris:

  1. Un privilegi llegir aquesta crònica, i si és un privilegi llegir-la, ja no et dic que ha de ser fer-la.

    Esteu en una galàxia diferent, a casa et podrem oferir bones rutes, senders, però zones com aquestes que ens mostres difícil serà.

    Bona ruta Michael.

  2. The people who understand the thrills and excitment from our sport are only those who take part. The non riders can only watch or read about these journeys of excitement, thrill and sense of achievment. You understand what these journeys mean to me and this is why it's good for me to write each journey and adventure I experiance.

    The difficult thing for me in the journey that lays ahead is the Sun and the heat. My legs feel good and I feel fit. I worry If I can not adapt to the extreme
    weather change for me. Yesterday was a cool day but I lost so much salts and liquids. I must remember to hydrate drink drink drink!!!

  3. Quanta raó que tens.

    A aquest espai les cròniques de les nostres experiències relacionades amb la bike, tenen totes una melodia única, com és la de compartir sensacions de MTB.

    Fet, el de compartir, que fa que cada x temps les compartim en directe coincidint a una sortida i si és èpica, que no té perquè ser, encara implica que tingui més elements extrems.

    No recordo però, fora de fer-ho amb en Colorado, amb en Santa Fe i amb l'Habitant, que les sortides on hem sortit els genets de Drac tinguin la condició d'èpica, vull dir 100 Km. i més de 3.000 m. de desnivell positiu, però sí que han estat totes dignes de ser rememorades a aquest espai.

    Un cop siguis a Catalunya, una sortida que no serà una èpica, però sí que tindrà la component de ser una de les millors aventures de MTB que he experimentat mai. Així que crec que podrem gaudir de compartir com a mínim d'una crònica, que podria ser la crònica entre les cròniques.

    A diferència d'aquesta sortida que t'esmento, en tenim preparades unes altres de menys volada, però que són iguals o fins i tot superiors pel que fa referència a duresa i exigència del recorregut. Duresa, pel fet de ser dents de serra sempre, exigència, per ser trams entre senders de dos pams on en cap cas pots estar distret mirant el teu entorn, és una sortida diferent de la primera on estarem mirant sempre l'entorn per la seva majestuositat.

    Canvia l'estació, i necessitem moltes més aigua per cada quilòmetre recorregut, sals també perquè no, però jo diria que pel ritme que anirem amb aigua en tindràs prou amb nosaltres. Això i barretes energètiques, no proteíniques i moltes ganes de compartir entre tram i tram de bike, els bons esmorzars i dinars entre genets.

    El ritme no serà mai exigent, a l'inrevés i les sortides tindran el punt just per ser recordades com a gestes, en cap cap com a drames èpics, aquests darrers els deixem per quan participem junts a unes 24 Hores o reptes similars.

    Michael MTB, MTB, MTB, aquest cop al nostre país petit.
