dissabte, de maig 01, 2010

The Long Seat Post!!!!

The seat post on the bike is big very big. I understand the end of the seat post should never be above the end of the top tube. Thankfully the seat post even tho it is extended out quite a bit still sits below the top tube. See the photos below. If you still think the size isnt right let me know.

I took the seat post out so you can see where it sits in the tube. The bottom is below the Top tube so this is good yes? Thank you for point this out tho. It is always good to get Professional advice from the Catalan Masters.

4 comentaris:

  1. Right, I think the seatpost is Bontrager Rhythm Elite 31.6 diameter and 400 length, isn't it?

    I'am sorry, but the frame size? it looks like small in the photo..

  2. Yes the bike is stock I haven't changed anything yet. The frame is 19.5 and I am 6ft 80kg.

  3. El calibrat de la tija indica els límits i tu estàs molt lluny del límit, visualment per a mi la tija surt excessivament, però el que entenc que preval és el calibrat de la tija, no la nostra opinió.

    Vull dir que el fabricant és qui determina els límits d'ús de la tija, fent referència a quin és el límit fora del tub tija d'aquesta, i pel que indiques ets molt lluny del límit indicat en el calibrat de la tija, entenc que és correcte.

    Que bé que sigui un tema de criteri tècnic i no un error de talla, la millor de les noticies pel que fa referència al MTB.

    Tr@il, Coloradop què dieu vosaltres?.

  4. I did talk to others of the same height and weight as me. They went for the 19.5 frame also. With the seat post it is normally always fully down for the DH riding. I will just remember not to go above the limit.
