dijous, de maig 13, 2010

Causeway Coast Ride 70km

Breakfast for the journey ahead. Scrambled eggs, Pork Sausages, Ham and Toast.

Portstewart Beach above the start of the coastal ride. The weather was cloudy with sunny spells. A cold north head wind on the journey out. The route starts on a coastal path and soon turns to a single track that leads along the side of Portstewart golf course.
Portrush Whiterocks beach above. The route now was on the road for a section. The roads follow the coast along the cliff tops passing the famous Dunluce Castle below.

The road leads to Portballintray a small fishing village seen below. Shortly after the village the route changes to single track cliff path. High sea cliffs with many coves and headlands.

The world famous Giants Causeway below is next on the journey. The high sea cliffs tower over the world heritage site. This part of the journey is all single track climbing and descending. Snaking through the ports and coves a great part of the journey.

The problem with this path is the land is grazing land for Sheep and Cows. The fences have steps I think I counted 12 before I got bored.Whitepark bay is another very nice beach on the route. In the distance you can see Rathlin Island a small Island with only around 100 people currently living on the Island.
Another view of whitepark bay looking back towards Portbradden. Portbradden is home to Irelands smallest Church.
On the coastal trail you pass through a cave. This leads to Portbradden harbour a small fishing harbour with only one or two boats.
Portbradden Harbour from above.

Larrybane headland white rocky cliffs that lead to Carrick a Rede Rope Bridge.

The turning point and half of the journey finished. Carrick A Rede Rope bridge was first installed by the salmon fisher men to get to the best fishing point on the small island. Now the bridge remains mainly as a tourist attraction. The distance at this point was 38.69km
Time for lunch before the same journey home. The way home was a lot faster even though I was more tired. No camera stops and the wind had settled down.

As I arrived home the distance was 70.34km
A great ride on some of Irelands most beautiful scenary.

3 comentaris:

  1. WOW Michael,

    I'm really impressed for the beauty of your country, the views, the clifs, the small villages, all, really impressed.

    Also, I think, we have a serious pic for this month...

  2. És cert Xavi, un lloc de fades, de llegendes, d'aventura.

    Un lloc per anar-hi avui, demà o demà passat, però anar-hi.

    Michael bona ruta, quines imatges. Una crònica que a aquest espai, que té el seu origen a aquest país petit, on tenim mar i muntanya, restem aturats per les teves costes, pels penyasegats, que són murs gegants naturals.

    No ho sé, però són llocs diferents per a mi, amb sentiments potents, amb aire èpic. No puc evitar de pensar amb les sensacions mentre rodes per la teva terra, mentre ets proper a aquests espais de somni, entre els teus espais.

    Michael, MTB, MTB, MTB.

  3. how beautiful.
    i remember all places that we see when we were in Portstewart. the next time we come to Belfast, please, i want to ride wint you for this route.
