divendres, d’abril 23, 2010

St. Jordi in Ireland

So I have been learning about St. Jordi. As I am a male I have to buy a Rose for my Lady (But when)

Today I cycled to work just a short distance from my house to work. We have a cycle club in work and try to take a lunch time ride most days. This was organised before I knew about St. Jordi. So after our 10 mile lunch time ride I had no time to go to the flower shop. On my way home from work I stopped at a flower shop. No Roses!!!! So I cycle to another flower shop. No Roses!!!! Third time lucky but only Pink Roses. I took the Pink roses as I thought I wouldnt get any others. I cycled home Roses tucked under my arm. Clipless pedals one hand on the bars it was a nervous pedal home at times. I wasnt worrying about me I didnt want to damage the Roses. So as I get close to home I see another flower shop. Red Roses!!!! So I got another bunch. Red Roses, Pink Roses and Dragon Rider!!!
Mrga got me a cook book for Spanish Dishes. A photo isnt a photo unless we see a MTB!!!

2 comentaris:

  1. Una rosa roja, pel color de la passió, una rosa roja pel sentir del nostre destí, un llibre pel fer d'una nació.

    Michael, signes de la identitat del nostre país petit.

  2. Michael, la Rosa, el Llibre....un pais, es aixi com m'agrada a mi !!!!
