divendres, d’abril 09, 2010

Roads on the MTB!!!

I went to meet my good lady on her commute home from work. It was 20km to CRC so I pushed on hard out of belfast on a constant climb for 6km. I didnt realise she wanted to go the long way home taking in a few climbs. I got a good look around the CRC showroom while I waited and just glad I didnt have the credit card with me.

Setting pace on my 2.40 MTB tyres against a road bike was good for the legs and lungs. The road home had a few nice climbs. A good dry evening and roads not to busy with schools still off and Easter holidays over here dragging on this week. Just short of 60km was a nice work out.

Adventure Racing in Wicklow next weekend and I havent done enough training. Just using it to see what level I am.

1 comentari:

  1. Michael, en una altra ocasió no et diria res, però és que de imatges de la teva TREK Remedy, les de la presentació, i una bike com la teva es mereix més primers plans a aquest espai.

    60 Km. amb pneumàtics de 2.4 és una èpica, és igual que no siguin 100 Km. i 3.000 m. +, és una èpica.

    Ha d'anar bé pedalant aquesta Remedy, de ben segur.
