divendres, de març 26, 2010

New Shoes

Com un nen amb sabates noves...

This is a ""typical" gramar construction we use in Catalunya when somebody is just using something new, and his smile is bigger than the face.

Lets say this is the way I was feeling those last days, when I started to use my new shoes. Those are the 2010 BG Trivent Triathlon, the pro shoe from Specialized on the triahtlon side. I was using those shoes last weekend, and I have to say that the result is so good, it's a really comfortable shoe, open on the front in order to have a good ventilation for the feet after the swim, carbon fiber on the surface to have a good stroke and force transmision, two belts in order to be able to have a quick release when you finish the bike section and need a good transition for the running.

Other than that, I also have to admit the the look itself it's great, but on this case, some pictures will be better.

From SC, Xavi Paricio

1 comentari:

  1. Córrer, nadar, i bicicleta de carretera, quin repte més dur.

    Ja tinc ganes de llegir la teva primera crònica, clar que primer les cròniques de les sortides prèvies al dia de la gran aventura de la 1a. Triathlon, com l'equipament específic, les sortides per carretera, tota va posant les coses al seu lloc.

    He de dir que per a mi és una novetat, tot el que fa referència a l'equipament específic per aquest esport, així que el teu inici és perfecte per a poder entendre cada pas, cada detall d'aquesta apassionant disciplina.
