dimecres, de març 17, 2010

Donaldson Center is Back

Hola Genets,

As every season here in SC, as soon as day light savings starts, the Greenville Spiners organize the Tuesdays at the Donaldson. Yesterday was in fact the first one in this 2010 season.

Donaldson Center is like the Temple of road bike in SC, hundreds of people join every week, and they spread out in different groups as per their level. The main groups, mostly with bikers inboard of different teams, are riding on the road around the Donaldson Airport, those groups are called 20+++ miles, so in fact is like a small competition every week, with people riding on the main group and then others trying to attack every mile. Those two groups are always scorted by a Police car, just to avoid problems with the rest of the trafic, as they are really big ones (more than 40-50 people in each).

The we have also what they call the XC Groups, and again here diferent levels, till the last group were "nobody alone" is the main rule. Those groups rides on roads usually going south from the Donaldson, the area is a combination of flat and small hills acting as "tobogans", so fan is almost sure in every ride.

Yesterday I was excited waiting on this new season, when I was driving towards the Donaldson, I saw all kind of cars with their bikes on the roof or on the back, it is impresive how many people driving on the same direction, and the best, not on a weekend race, during a normal workday.

Once I arrived, I prepared myself and the bike, and joined the main ara where the people wait the start of his group, basically this works through some people from the Greenville Spiners acting as speakers, and calling for the groups as per "average speed". This time I joined the group expected to ride on average between 15 to 17 MPH, where I was feeling confortable for the first day.

The group ride was nice, 25 people on the group, all young except myself and the one going always as "last men" to advise the group was complete on every stop. There was three girls, riding always with the group or even stronger in some points.

Contrary to what usually hapens, the group started to ride really fast, increasing the speed average every mile, and I was thinking that this rithm was going to kill me. In fact, the first 7 milles I was always riding on the last row, with the "closing man" just trying to avoid being cutted....was hard, and when I took a look to my computer, the everage was closer to 19 MPH than the expected for the ride....nice.

The funny thing is that I was riding on the back, because I know that all groups are speeding up on the last 10 miles....and I was right. The second section was a kind of relax if we compare with the initial miles, the group was riding really compact, and nobody was talking...clear sign about the first miles excess.

The last section, with 10 miles returning to the Donaldson area, were as expected, a real race, and this time, I did not want to be cutted on the back group as most of the times last year, so as soon as we appreached this section, I was trying to advance positions on the group, using every small hill to advance one or two rows. Then I realized that I was right going on the back on the first miles, I had more energy that most of the young ones, and after one stop sign, 4 miles before the end, the group was splitted in two, one with 6 people on the front, and the rest, so 19 riders on the back.

I was in the first group, as as soon as I saw the "attack" I speed my bike to be in contact, and avoid to be cutted by the wind and lack of group effect. It was a great experience, I was able to connect with the top 4 guys, having one more with me using my protection. The rest, simply losing distance every time I was looking back. This small group os six riders was then riding really fast, 21 to 23 MPH, it was hard, and every hill look like a great mountain.

At the end, the group was completely splitted, two guys were on the front, I really don't know what speed they were riding, but above 23 for sure. Then four, were I was, reduced a little bit the rithm to achieve the target on the Donaldson, the rest of the group arrived some minutes later, at a the "original speed" the group was expected.

I was feeling great, to be able to fight on the front, with younger riders (sure less than 30) and to feel my training on the last weeks was going on the right direction. Now I need to keep going and have more strenght to resist all the attacks on the last section, were you need more power than aerobic capacity.

Anyway, again, Donaldson is here, and fun times are back

From SC, Xavi Paricio

6 comentaris:

  1. Renoi Xavi, que emocionant!!!.

    És impressionant, i això ara cada setmana, quina manera més maca de gaudir de la bike, i que competitius que són, que sou millor dit.

    Molt motivat de tornar a sortir a pedalar, encara més, en obrir el blog i veure el nivell i el nombre de les intervencions. I concretament la del Donaldson Center fa que com avui si el temps acompanya repetiré sortida.

    I d'aquí a res Paris-Mountain...

  2. Xavi this sounds like an amazing concept. A non racing hi tempo training ride. This type of ride must really help with strength, fitness and mind. The only ride I have had like this was on a charity cycle. We got into a group of club riders and pushed for 30+miles the tempo was very high but being in the group 25mph felt easy. Easy untill we start to really push and the group splits. Keep pedaling and soon you will be top man in the group.

  3. Hi guys, yes, really there is a clear competition aspect, even they try to keep saying "start as a group, ride as a group, return as a group"...I´ve always seen the groups being splitted on the last miles...it´s lke the horses arriving back home, they know they are close and increase the speed. Honestly, if this is going on the same way during next weeks, I will feel clearly better than last year...but I have to say, this Tuesday, I completed a 4 in a row since Saturday...so I start to feel my legs are ready for work !!!!

  4. El tema és gaudir d'aquest esport, i això és el que fem tots a aquest espai, així que a gaudir, que sensacions com les que tenim rodant amb les bikes no tenen preu.

    Quin plaer llegir les intervencions dels darrers dies, ens en manquen és cert, però he de dir que la sensació avui és de que hi ha una relaxació al blog que fa que rodem, rodem, i rodem.

    Xavi, no ens has posat cap foto amb els teus "trajes de gala"!!!.

  5. Just need some time... I have some surprises !!!!

  6. Caldrà esperar, valdrà la pena.

    He de pensar que millorar els actuals no et serà fàcil...clar que un Primer Ministre pot aconseguir equipaments on la resta de genets no hi tenim fàcil accés.
