dimarts, de març 16, 2010

Carolina Triathlon

Hola Genets,

Today again a new post, this time to explain my visit to Carolina Triathlon, the downtown bike shop I felt in love since I arrived to Greenville. For those are more or less aware of my small history in SC, there was originally two locations, one in down town close to the Reedy River Park, and another one in Woodruff Rd, close to my home.

They decided to merge both shops and create only one, again in down town, and very close to the old location. The shop is still on the same street (South Main St), but more on the West End of the city, close to the baseball stadium, and in an area they are recovering from the "old times".

I was there on Saturday afternoon, just to take a look to the material they have, and also for some "triathlon" complements I need...I will explain in another entry...for the events I want to run this year. They have great material, basically oriented to the road and tri, but with some MTB bikes and apparel.

When I arrived, Randy, the owner saw I was in, and inmediatly came to say hello, they are great people, and then I met Thea, great surprise, she had a terrible accident some months ago doing MTB, I already explained, and she is on the way to be recovered, right now she is again doing some road bike, but no running or MTB for the moment as her back is still suffering on doing the recovery. We were talking a lot, about products, about projects this year, training, competitions, but the most important, we were talking about sharing experiences with our blog, and the one they have "there in one corner" on their web site.

This new way will drive us to new experiences, or maybe not, but it's a new open road I want to follow, for the moment, I'm open to work with them in recovering this blog they have. I will explain you more details.

At the end, and as this entry make no sense with some more info, I want to share with you some pics of the shop, in an old warehouse, an amazing environment for the bike world.

6 comentaris:

  1. És un aspecte, el de la intervenció d'aquest professionals del sector al blog, que has de gestionar tu, com a Primer Ministre dels genets de Drac.

    Xavi espero que ells tinguin clar que ets el Primer Ministre, és un tema de protocol. No cada dia et ve a veure un Primer Ministre.

    Del tema de l'accident de la Thea, bé ja ens aclariràs si cal gestionar d'alguna manera una col.laboració per a ajudar a accelerar la seva recuperació.

  2. What do you think about the Triathlon frame on the wall?

  3. M'agrada, també és cert que no sé valorar el nivell d'aquesta, en cap cas.

    Caldrà que pas a pas tu i en Michael ens feu la introducció a aquest nou espai al blog, com és el Triathlon.

  4. Xavi that sounds like how a bike shop should be. To many shops go so commercialised and forget to be nice people. Nice photos. Say hello from Ireland to the bike shop owners. Keep us post on your ideas.

  5. Also looking at the specialized in the window reminds me of my 8th birthday. I got a new bmx it was similar in two ways to the bike in the photo. The wheels had plastic discs covering the spokes and it to ended up in a window.

    Three days after my birthday I was aloud to go to the shops to get sweets (candy) I was riding from the road onto the footpath and somehow ended up crashing against a shop front. Split my head open and later had three staples to close the wound. Still have the scar to remind me.

  6. Michael, I´m still laughing...I will explain some day my first experience with a road bike...maybe I did already, but I´m not sure, so this will be a nice thing to tell you all...

