dimecres, de març 10, 2010

Belfast Hills (33.6km)

The belfast hills route is mostly open mountain. There isnt a trail as such but there is sections that has been well ridden walked and the occasional motorbike has made the outline for a trail.

My ride starts on a main road on a continues climb up out of belfast. Off the main roads and onto a lane that leads to one of many T.V. masts on the hills over looking belfast. The first mast Black (mountain mast) sits above a quarry and the trail leads along the side of this quarry. The ground seems to be made up from old unused stone, dirt and a sticky mud from the quarry.

It was a hard climb around the quarry as the muck stuck to the wheels adding weight and taking away grip. As you can see from the photos.

As I cycled further away from the quarry the ground was more natural. Peat marsh and stone gravel in places. From here the trail starts to skirt the sides of the mountain with amazing views of Belfast to my right. There is a slight drop before a climb on the aptly named "Windy Gap" I can see where it gets the name. Some snow still remains but I think all our snow has moved on to Catalunya!!!!

After we ride around the side of Divis mountain its a slight climb to the top. Reaching divis mast with the nature walk trail. This trail is made from rubber mats the sit on top of the soft surface. One small board walk section then back onto dusty roads. Climbing further along this dust track leads to another open mountain section which in turn leads to a dissused quarry. Crossing main roads we have a mixture of fields open mountain and farm lanes to cross which leads to Cavehill Country park and the location of some of Belfasts most amazing trails. After taking in a few trails it is all road to home. The problem with this route is it is so wet you can only ride it after heavey frost or after a very long dry spell. We dont get too many long dry spells so winter frost it was for me. Second time doing this route with an alternative middle section this time.

Route profile here: http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3533121

4 comentaris:

  1. Ja tens raó ja, la neu la tenim nosaltres a Catalunya.

    Quant de fang a la teva ruta, ha de costar pedalar amb aquestes condicions, de ben segur!!!.

    Quina imatge la del pneumàtic ple de fang.

  2. Lagranevasio we had reports on our News about the snow in Catalunya. Thats why I know you have it also looking at your photos. They say in some parts its the most snow ever for the time of year. Good fun on the bikes tho I like the snow.

    It was very hard pedaling through that part. I looked like a kid on a rocking horse - Backwards forwards on the saddle all the way up.

  3. El dia que vaig estrenar la Vicious, també vaig rodar amb molt de fang, i és un medi diferent del que tenim normalment al Maresme.

    Ara estudiant ja el model de càmera que he d'aconseguir. En Xavi Paricio que en té una dels models que podem considerar com "la càmera", em dirà cap a on he de tirar.

    Hem de començar a filmar aquestes sortides del dia a dia, on hora darrera hora tot gira al voltant de les bikes. De fet ja fa mesos que tenim filmacions, però ara ja toca que Lagranevasio aporti imatges en moviment de les sortides que anem fent.

  4. Michael, I agree that some sections with snow are most of the times the best experience, but the mud....I really hate it, I have no good experience on this element, some times fun, but almost all times with mechanical problems....

    Enjoy, by the way, nice pic the one with your tyre and the mud
