divendres, de febrer 26, 2010

W.A.R. 7th April

Yes you heard it here first. I am going to war!!!! (4 Stripes)

O.K. Its not really war but its the Wicklow Adventure Race. Its going to feel like I have went to WAR.

18km Run
53km Cycle
2km Kayak

The course is set in the Wicklow Mountains South of Dublin Ireland. The Cycle is on mountain roads mostly Tarmac so Road bike it is (Ssssshh Dont tell anyone) The reason I am going with a road bike is there is a CAT 1 climb (as seen in the profile below).

Starts with a 8.3km Run around Spink Mountain with 575 meters Climbed.
15km Cycle to Lough Dan 165 meters climbed.
2km Kayak in Lough Dan
8km Cycle with a CAT 1 climb YES 10%. 284 meters climbed.
9.5km Run over Djouce Mountain 450 meters climbed.
29km Cycle from Djouce over the Sally Gap to Glendalough 114 meters climbed but thankfully 438 meter descended.

I am looking forward to it but I need motivation to get me out training hard again.

4 comentaris:

  1. Bé, com sempre la realitat supera la ficció.

    No sé si he entès bé en que consisteix aquesta cursa, però diria que a mi no em caldria entrenar per fer-la, el que em caldria és un miracle, i del grossos.

    Michael, entrena, entrena i entrena, de fet no sé perquè ho dic, de ben segur que ja ho fas, i no m'estranya, renoi quin repte i a quins espais més impressionants, són de somni, certament, espero que ens posis, els teus entrenaments, les sensacions d'aquests i evidentment la crònica de la cursa i el detalls també de la recuperació post esforç de després d'aquesta.

    Demà jo si el temps acompanya sortiré amb la Vicious. Seria el primer dis que surto des de la sortida amb la Vicious, fora d'aquesta jornada de SS, no he sortit més des del dia 1 de gener.

  2. Wow Michael,

    If it´s not really WAR, at least it´s the closest you can have in sport, it´s a Mountain TRI....but Kayak instead of swiming-

    I´ve seen some similar courses here, but of course, the scenary it´s not the same.

    Like the old people said to the ones goign to WAR, we want you to retunr alive !!!!

  3. I hope to come home with some WAR stories and maybe pics if I get a chance.

  4. Les esperaré impacient!!!.
