dilluns, de gener 18, 2010

Time to remember

Hello my friends,

Yesterday the Prime Minister, as I´m sometimes called, had a great afternoon just talking about bikes, 29", Willits, Vicious and others. This great conversation make my mind turn to other times, just some months ago, when we were all waiting for a great "epica", just to ride and talk about bikes.

It´s now a different moment, it´s time to wait for a weekend to be able to Skype with the people on the other side of the Ocean, to spend time talking on my loved Catalan (other than in my family), as the day to day is turning my mind to use (even in my visit to Catalunya) words like so, sorry, excuse me....as a first reaction to something.

This moment, as I said, different, just need from my side a changeon the approach, I know my rides are not in a nice group of 10 mountain bikers, instead, I ride with a bunch of road bikers down here. MTB is turning to some "individual" experience, even I met some good riders, logistics here made MTB simply something more complicated.

Lagranevasio, your bike will be again a great bike, listen your heart, your soul, and no matter what decission you take, it will be a good one, for sure.

I don´t want to finsih without remind all the group that paradise exist, and it´s really close to your home places.

From South Carolina, Xavi Paricio

3 comentaris:

  1. Xavi per a mi llegir-te, 100% MTB, MTB, MTB.

    És on som, espai de genets de Drac, demà anirem a cercar si aquest Drac vol ser el meu Drac.

    Quina emoció, quina tensió, gran prèvia aquest darrer recorregut, sí fer, serà un esquitx d'aquests darrers dies al post, per això sol, ja val la pena ser-hi.

    Vicious, vol dir això, Vicious Cycles, i el pensament ja vola sol...

  2. Hola Xavi. Be afraid when you start saying "Have a nice day now" and not actually meaning it. Until then you are still a true catalunian. I deal with Americans every day and it can get a bit much when they are saying "Happy Wednesday" when you arent very happy at all.

    I have a big group of biker friends aswell but getting them together at the same time is impossible. Solo rides and a day with friends here and there is my type of riding. Not forgeting my amazing girl friend Marga. It is great having a girlfriend who loves mtb as well.


  3. Michael,

    You are right, you are right, and I love also Solo rides, as weell, but for the moment, I still miss a real "epica" here.....but it wil arrive, sooner or later.

